WU Ally Superfriends

Modern brokensaint058


AussieBloke says... #1

"Also it's an owl and owls are cool." You sir, earnt a +1.

June 30, 2014 6:04 p.m.

OpenFire says... #2

July 4, 2014 8:58 p.m.

argh266 says... #3

"I've built one physically and it is trully a vile bastard of a deck only to be used by those whose hearts have been turned into a cold stone, charred to ashes, removed from its cavity or never been there in the first place."-brokensaint058

True words of wisdom

July 8, 2014 6:53 p.m.

daemon_panda says... #4

My ONLY problem with this deck is... nemesis*

The spelling really threw me off. In fact, I can't upvote it for that reason.

haha, I am just kidding. This is amazing.

July 10, 2014 6:19 p.m.

brokensaint058 says... #5

@ daemon_panda

Nemeses is the plural of nemesis. I meant it in a way that this deck can tackle more than one modern archetype and live to tell the bloody tale. If that was a joke, I am sorry, I am bad at getting those. Thanks for the upvote!

July 12, 2014 2:11 p.m.

daemon_panda says... #6

I read it in singular form, as it can be read either way. lol. It was intended as a joke though.

July 12, 2014 4:42 p.m.

chrispmatth says... #7

You Sir, need to be playing Isochron Scepter .

August 6, 2014 1:27 p.m.

inkelferducken says... #8

I'm building an owling mine deck myself, so I figure we can compare notes.

Kami of the Crescent Moon is another howling mine on a surprisingly difficult body to remove in the format, I run 3x

Remand is basically strictly better than Delay in this deck, though I imagine you already know this

Red is a great color to splash for this deck and Shivan Reef is considerably cheaper than Steam Vents and you don't need no Scalding Tarn . Red is great for Sudden Impact as well as giving you more sideboard options versus aggressive decks, like Electrolyze and Pyroclasm .

Other good cards when considering a sideboard include Meloku the Clouded Mirror in case you need to switch to a beat em up strat,Counterflux if you share the same fear of storm that I do, and Evacuation and Twincast are good too. Ideally one would like to run 4x Threads of Disloyalty against the aggro match up but at $22 a pop, I'll take my chances.

I really like the inclusion of Ensoul Artifact and I think it will at least make my board, my only apprehension towards it, is that you enchant, say, your owl and the opponent responds with Journey to Nowhere or Dismember . So let me know how you like having it in.

I'll probably post my list up when I finish this comment so swing by and check it out when you get the chance.

August 28, 2014 9:08 a.m.

inkelferducken says... #9

Here's a link to my list http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/28-08-14-owling-mine/

August 28, 2014 9:48 a.m.

-4 Wingcrafter . I do not see why they are in here. Sure, they give your allies evasion... but so does Kabira Evangel . and he is an ally. -1 Kabira Evangel . Having multiples out is often redundant. I only run two in my deck.+2 Sea Gate Loremaster . Often times when he hits play. you win. He simply offers too much card advantage.+3 Talus Paladin . The biggest body of all your allies. The added benefit of life link cannot be understated. -4 Cloudshift +3 Momentary Blink or +2 Mimic Vat . An extra land or two will help you a lot. If you feel like spending money (which you probably aren't given that allies are usually more of a budget deck), but using Hallowed Fountain s, Flooded Strand s, and then a singleton Endless Horizons can be game breaking. Throw in an Emeria, The Sky Ruin for good measure and your late game is nearly unstoppable. Other notable cards which I highly suggest are Path to Exile , Detention Sphere , Supreme Verdict , Remand , Serum Visions , Condemn , and Archangel of Thune .

November 1, 2014 11:55 a.m.

ehuez says... #11

hi i like your deck! can you guys check my allies deck allies its quite similar but i splashed green

January 17, 2015 10:10 a.m.

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