This initial foray into Canadian Highlander attempts to be somewhat competitive, but it definitely has some quirks:

  1. As this deck will be played entirely on Cockatrice, it has no budget, so I lean towards more expensive cards wherever possible.
  2. Where possible, I am playing cards I don't think have much of a home elsewhere. In this case, that largely comes down to cards that are ordinarily mediocre but really shine in a 5C deck with access to every land time.
  3. Because I'm playing in an unclear meta, interaction is at a minimum. This deck is mostly going to be trying to enact its own game plan of getting strong creatures onto the board as quickly as possible.
  4. Unlike my other (EDH) decks, I am actively including cards you'd find in a typical high-power cube, such as fetch lands, dual lands, etc.
  5. As you can see from the custom sections, I built this deck with distinct chunks of cards. This way, I can easily swap specific themes in and out of the deck. For example, I'm not sure whether I really want mana dorks in here; as a self-contained "suite" of five cards, I can just take them out and add in some, say, more interaction if needed.

Points Cards

  • Mox Emerald = 3
  • Mox Pearl = 3
  • Mox Ruby = 3


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I'm finding it slightly comforting to come back to the same deck each week, especially one that is both competitive and "straightforward." I'm learning nuances to this deck while at the same time not adding undue stress to a stressful time. It's a nice contrast from the EDH decks I tended to play, which were either one-and-done stunt decks (e.g., Relentless Rats) or complex decks with absurdly complex interactions (e.g., Halfdane clone/steal with three hidden commanders).

  1. Going with the heuristic I developed from the previous session, I kept the hand with what felt like a little too much land, assuming I'd draw into my action spells. Sure enough, my early threats did plenty of work, and I was glad to have all the land. I got Jeremy down to 1 life very quickly and really wished there had been a way to get that one last bit of damage. Sure enough, his Courser of Kruphix kept him in the game, and he managed to get a Time Walk off on his next turn. I kept the pressure on, ignoring his planeswalkers and going straight for the dome, but he managed to stay in the game and start chipping away at my own life total. After he negated my Skullcrack (which would have won!), he swung for 8 and the victory.
  2. Wow, I don't even remember what happened in this game, except that it was another close one where Jeremy pulled off the win after withstanding the usual upfront pressure. He had no planewalkers and more active threats, so it was kind of a race that I was winning for most of the game. We were both at 3 life when I cast Chain Lightning hoping for the win right into his Misdirection for a second loss! Ouch!
  3. I had a much slower start in this game, starting out with just an Elves of Deep Shadow and a couple instants. (This was after a mulligan of a hand with no lands at all.) I kept drawing lands, making this a sad game to at last have one of my moxes. Of course, in this game Jeremy got his Time Walk again via a Spellseeker and then grabbed a Path to Exile with it again off the Restoration Angel's flicker effect. He never even had to use it because he just Time Walked and then Time Walked again for the win.

This deck made up ground in its next matchup against some WB deck Jeremy had that was so overrun that I'm not even sure I know what it was about. He played maybe two business cards across the first two games, including a Liliana that forced me to discard a Loxodon Smiter onto the battlefield (basically for the win). In the second game, I had two moxes in my opening hand, which was completely unfair, resulting in a game that lasted maybe five minutes tops. The third game was much more of a back-and-forth affair with this deck of course getting out to an early lead. Jeremy had some interesting defenses building up, and then I made the misplay that ended the game, throwing down a trusty Goblin Rabblemaster into his two blockers with lifelink. Over the course of a few turns, he gained more than 20 life while starting to exert serious pressure on me. I was quickly down to just 1 life and lost on the next turn.


Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years
Card Score 9 / 10

This deck is Canadian Highlander legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

62 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.07
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Elemental */* GW, Emblem Domri Rade, Energy Reserve, Goblin 1/1 R
Folders Canadian Highlander
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