Ghost Riding the Whip

Standard JMat27


Internetjay says... #1

I've been trying all year to figure out a viable deck to take advantage of Ashen Rider , this gets a huge +1 from me!

October 13, 2014 5:24 p.m.

ParadoxNL says... #2

Nyx Weaver for more self milling?

October 14, 2014 4:44 p.m.

JMat27 says... #3

ParadoxNL Nyx Weaver is fine. I had it in an earlier version but I opted to take it out in favor of having a higher threat-density and am happy with that decision.

October 14, 2014 11:23 p.m.

TheWanderer123 says... #4

Since you want a higher threat-denstity, what about Sidisi, Brood Tyrant ? Re-animating Ashen Rider ? Sick, automatic +1. Have you played with this deck yet? If so how does it preform against other mainstream decks? What would you say the hardest match is / would be?

October 15, 2014 4:21 p.m.

TheWanderer123 says... #5

Scratch that Sidisi, Brood Tyrant recommendation, zoned out for a second since I thought it would be an awesome card in this deck, forgot you where running W instead of U. Cant believe I zoned out like that xD lol. But if you could answer the other questions if possible thanks.

October 15, 2014 4:23 p.m.

JMat27 says... #6

TheWanderer123 I have actually seen some 4 color brews with Sidis as well that seem pretty sweet, but I am going to stick with 3.

I have played with the deck a fair bit. The Abzan Midrange pseudomirror is about 50/50 depending on how the game plays out. If you're able to keep up with their threats 1-for-1 then the game is pretty favorable as your threats tend to trump theirs. The Jeskai Aggro matchup is pretty favorable because Siege Rhino. The Jeskai Ascendancy Combo can be pretty tough, but you have Thoughtseize, Erase and Reclamation Sage in the sideboard, so games 2 and 3 are alright. Hornet Queen destroys green devotion decks, and even the GB Devotion matchup is solid because you have Ashen Rider for their Doomwake Giants and Pharika is great against all their other ground threats.

October 16, 2014 6:28 p.m.

Thaxa says... #7

Rescue from the Underworld has great sinergy with this deck and can pull out some really nice combos with Ashen Rider , Siege Rhino and Hornet Queen .

Also, as previously said, Nyx Weaver would be great addition, since it helps you mill your creatures asap, and if you happen to mill your Whip of Erebos , Endless Obedience or any other spell you can just get it back to your hand.

Abhorrent Overlord is quite good too ( Most of the time I pull this out I already had my Whip and Rhino in the battlefield, so thats a 6/6 flier and also five tokens to swing/block and sac.)

October 17, 2014 8:06 p.m.

JMat27 says... #8

Thaxa I explained in my response to ParadoxNL why I'm not running Nyx Weaver. I do like the utility but the deck performs better without it. Abhorrent Overlord is fine but I would much rather have more Hornet Queens and Ashen Riders. Rescue from the Underworld is actually pretty weak since you are frequently operating under situations where you don't have another creature to sacrifice. The slot is much better filled by See the Unwritten , which is great regardless of whether or not you control anything and fills your grave.

October 17, 2014 8:28 p.m.

Charelston says... #9

I think Thaxa meant, to sacrifice a just whiped creature to pop another creature and then get an additional effect off of another creature. but, the problem would be that costs 9 mana to do.

October 26, 2014 6:56 p.m.

JMat27 says... #10

Charelston Yeah, it does (although getting to 9 mana is not uncommon). Plus you really don't get much out of using a Whipped creature, as the creature is still exiled regardless.

October 26, 2014 7 p.m.

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