Gruul Ramp...
Thank you for taking your time in going over this deck. It's fun to play with and can compete, but feel it still might need something.
The purpose of this deck is to ramp into Ghalta, Primal Hunter.
We achieve this dropping drover, otepec, or thunderherd on turn 2. turn 3 bring in ripjaw or wayward. If drover or otepec wasn't removed... by turn 4 you are able to cast Ghalt if you have a. drover, ripjaw, 4 lands... b. otepec, wayward, 5 lands(most ideal scenario as you will be able to attack with a 12/12 trample and haste). Note that if you turn 2 thunderherd, you won't be able to turn 4 Ghalt but thats ok. By turn 4 you should be able to cast regisaur alpha which will allow you turn 5 Ghalt with Haste.
I been able to play test a few times, and you're able to reliably able to cast by turn 5. Ghalt's ability to be able to cast for less for each power on your board allows you to cast big creatures to control the board defensively... downside is deck is a bit slow. You may also note that i have 2 plains as a splash for sideboard card Cast Out.
Reckless Rage is the removal because it is mana efficient, instant speed, and can trigger enrage on ripjaw. (I did have ranging raptor in deck but after play testing... it just sits there half the time)
Blossoming defense protects your ghalta or any other creature depending the situation you're in.
Abrade - great against aggro, torrential gearhulk, and other important artifacts.
Heroic Intervention - protects against boardwipes (except hour of devastation)
Silent Gravestone - For graveyard interaction like Scarab God and God Pharaoh's
Cast Out - for Hazoret, planeswalkers, Scarab God, even long tusk or other problem issues.
Prowling serpopard - My store has control players with annoying counter spells... hopefully this helps
Carnage Tyrant - see above... or against heavy removal decks.
I thought of taking out 2 recklessrage, one regisaur and one ghalta.. and putting in 2 commune with dinos, and 2 glorybringers.... this takes away consistency but brings in versatility.
I also think of bringing in 1 Chandra for ripjaw... again can cut consistency but more versatility...
as i was typing i thought of voltaic brawler instead of thunderheard... another possibility...
Immortal sun looks interesting as well...but not sure how that can work...
Tell me what you think.