
Mono Blue Control in Commander.

I've never had a great Commander that I felt made the deck work until I was going through my cards and I realized I actually owned an Arcanis. This allows the deck to have a consistent draw engine, which was always my problem with mono blue in Commander. I've also been able to accumulate a lot more viable/powerful blue cards that help supplement the control theme of the deck

The deck plays like a classic "Draw Go" that likes to hold back lands for countermagic and bounce until it can assemble either a Voltron-beatstick (usually Platinum Angel or Steel Hellkite) or Laboratory Maniac + Leveler (or Blightsteel + swiftfoot boots + wispersilk cloak) for an instant win.

Like most mono blue control decks, it will struggle with aggro decks that can drop a bunch of creatures quickly and win before the deck can get going. Depending on your opening hand (if it is slow or lacks bounce), you might have trouble if you are ganged up on. However, if given time, the deck can assemble one turn wins backed by countermagic. The bounce and counters are to buy you that time.

Like any good blue control, the deck has answers to a lot of situations and several avenues to victory. So far I've had a bit of trouble assembling those answers at the times when my draw engine piddles out (and the deck lacks tutors in mono-color). This led me to consider more instant speed draw spells in place of some of the sorcery speed options. After some playtesting I added Lat-Nam's Legacy and Anticipate to the deck in place of the sorcery speed draw-two spells. As long as Aracanis stays on the battlefield I have an amazing draw engine, so I'd rather have the ability to hold back mana for counters or bounce and draw cast draw spells at the end of my opponent's turn (while retaining the ability to draw some cards before Arcanis comes online).


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97% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.12
Tokens Boar 2/2 G, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders EDH
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