Temur Ascendancy

Standard dswidley


chuckles2000 says... #1

I like it. Couple of questions. You really seem like an aggro deck. Courser, while obviously a great card, doesn't always fit so well into that. Card advantage is pretty much what it provides and that may be enough. Have you tried Savage Knuckleblade in that slot? Not sure which is better, but I think it's worth thinking about. What about Flamewake Phoenix? Double Red too much? The sideboard look pretty darn solid. Couple of thoughts. I think we are going to start seeing a lot more enchantments and maybe a reclamation sage or Back to Nature could be fits. U/B control is going to be big, IMO. Maybe squeeze in another Whisperwood Elemental to fight the sweepers? Purely speculative, but seems reasonable. Shamanic Revelation?

January 22, 2015 1:15 p.m.

dswidley says... #2

That's an excellent point on the courser. I kept him because prior to FRF this was a midrange deck. Knuckle blade has been been moved back in.

I agree about the enchantment hate but I run into the problem of what to take out.

January 22, 2015 2:02 p.m.

chuckles2000 says... #3

Without the Coursers Back to Nature can be really big game against the Whip decks running Doomwake. As much as I like Yasova, I think it's oftentimes a relatively easy cut. It shines against other Coursers, but can often just sit there. It's not always about what is "bad" in a matchup, just what isn't as good. Xenagos seems to be questionable a lot of the time as well. You don't have a ton of outlets for BIG mana. So pumping out 2/2's isn't always the best. Elemental can do that if unanswered and is also a 4/4. Plus he fuels ferocious. Winds is also going to be questionable a lot of times. Fog effects almost always go with card draw where the delay is profitable. In your case, you are actually light on card draw. Winds is better than fog in creature fights, that's true, but you should be winning creature fights anyways. It's a card that I'm having a tough time evaluating. There are going to be times when it is a complete blowout and others when it's just not at all what you need. I like it as a surprise card in first game, then Side it out and make them play around it for the rest of the match.

January 22, 2015 2:45 p.m.

dswidley says... #4

Okay, xenagos I'll agree with. I often don't need his +1 and satyrs are a no big deal. I took him out in favor of another Chandra and the 4th Knuckleblade. The side board saw 1 Destructive Revelry and Burn Away leave in favor of Back to Nature. I also lost the winds for another Whisperwood Elemental and Crater's Claws. The other elemental will stay in the sideboard for wrath heavy matchups but he's to expensive at 5 cmc for the main board. Shamanic Revelation will also come in as a 1 of dropping 1 Mistcutter Hydra

Anything else you can think of?

January 22, 2015 4:41 p.m.

chuckles2000 says... #5

I like it. Only thing I would do is probably cut one Crater's Claws for an additional land. 22 is awfully light (with that number of 5 drops), and I just hate losing to mana screw. It would be some sort of green mana that comes in untapped to help with turn two Mystic or Heir.

January 22, 2015 4:57 p.m.

dswidley says... #6

Well a simple forest fits the bill. Thanks for the help.

January 22, 2015 5:05 p.m.

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