Nekusar's Torture Chamber

Commander / EDH* DrkNinja


You said 15, so I will give you 15 removal suggestonsEndless Whispers Oath of Ghouls Quest for Ancient Secrets Stasis Wheel and Deal Liliana Vess Commander's Sphere Whispersilk Cloak Abyssal Persecutor Boldwyr Heavyweights Lorthos, the Tidemaker Vow of Flight Vow of Lightning Vow of Malice Opal Palace, additionally, I would suggest putting in both Wheel of Fortune and Curiosity. Replace Cancel with Counterspell. If you would like to know about any suggestion in particular, just ask.

March 14, 2015 1:18 p.m.

atkboy4242 says... #2

I'm thinkin Forced Fruition should be in here

March 18, 2015 3:36 p.m.

SyusTheirin says... #3

Things to cut; Commander's Sphere, Endless Whispers, Stasis, Abyssal Persecutor, all of the "Vow of [blank]" enchantments, Mirari, Wild Evocation, Reef Worm, Grafted Exoskeleton, and Glistening Oil

Get more counter spells. Instead of Exoskeleton or Oil, use Tainted Strike. It's an instant, first off, and that way you won't present as much of a threat and it's much harder to stop. Not to mention that if you plan on infecting Nekusar than it should be your "I'm killing you all" end game. Get a Skyscribing. I'll research and give you more options, but that's a good card in Nek.

March 19, 2015 12:10 a.m.

UpsetYoMama says... #4

The infect subtheme is interesting, but I don't think that's where you want to go with this commander. Maybe just one or two cards you can tutor for, like SyusTheirin suggests.

I run Nekusar and in my experience he gets hated off of the table pretty quickly. Everyone knows you're going to start dropping huge draw spells and burn everyone out. That's one of the reasons counterspells are so important.

From my experience, here are some amazing cards to run in Nekusar decks:

Wheel of Fortune, Dark Deal, Young Pyromancer, Prosperity, Mystical Tutor, Incendiary Command, Sword of War and Peace, Dragon Mage, Megrim, Liliana's Caress, Windfall, Crosis's Charm, Chandra, the Firebrand, Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius with Curiosity, Rhystic Study.

I also run a fairly standard removal suite. I run both Evacuation and Cyclonic Rift as these cards can really help keep pressure off of you or get rid of huge armies.

You can also run some deterrents to attacking you to slow your opponent down like Propaganda and Crawlspace.

If you can afford them, fetches and shocks would help you fix your mana base better. I'm also a fan of running more mana rocks like the Signets because they are really important early game.

April 16, 2015 8 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #5

Also should I be playing Black Vise?

April 22, 2016 4:55 a.m.

matiya024 says... #6

I have an idea, I call it Elder Mastery "no, you don't get to have cards in hand"

April 22, 2016 4:07 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #7

@matiya024 Originally it was in the deck, but I just think it's too slow, and it just makes Nekusar a BIGGER target.

Thanks for the suggestion, I like it but it's just too slow.

April 22, 2016 4:17 p.m.

matiya024 says... #8

ah, then lightning greaves

April 22, 2016 4:40 p.m.

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