Soul Sisters

Modern trinitymoon


trinitymoon says... #1

Took this to a 3 round Local modern tournament the other night and ended up going 3-0.

BW Tokens 2-0

Game 1 lost the die roll had a decent hand so played a Serra Ascendant turn one and passed. He played a Soul warden i followed up with a freshly drawn Martyr of Sands and tried to combo. He dismembered and i was left with an empty board state (-_-;) had to complain about this combo and had to go for it anyways the irony was strong. After that i played a long games of slowly getting creatures. Once i got the sister engine online i stabilized around 16 and for awhile we both traded life totals. He eventually conceded the game noticing my lifegain system would outvaule his.

-1 Martyr of Sands -4 Squadron Hawk +3 Brave the Elements +2 Engineered Explosives

Game 2 He started with a Windbrisk Heights and passed. I got the sister engine online. I played a Honor of the pure and attacked for 2 through his turn 2 Soul Warden. This game i ended up having to recover from a Double Zealous Persecution. He stole my Ranger of Eos with a Tidesculler, but when he IOK me next turn i had both path and brave the elements in hand. I used Brave the elements naming pro black and tosses the path for him. He attacked i blocked with a sister and i cast Ranger on my turn. 2-3 turns later he conceded.

Mono black vampires 2-0

Game 1 Lost the die roll on this she played a swamp and passed. Windbrisk Heights is what i started out with and passed. She played a sign in blood. This game went really quick i mostly secured the waste with a honor on board and swung with lethal after blocking with creatures for awhile due to her lifelink i didn't want to take dmg. a well timed brave the elements shocked her and i noticed she played around it.

-1 Martyr of Sands -4 Squadron Hawk +3 Brave the Elements +2 Immolating Glee

Game 2 Pretty much the same as before except i had an odd had of 3 land 2 secure of the waste a sister and an honor of the pure. I figured i would try it out and it turned out pretty well. This was a long game and it got really annoying. She used black sorin's ability to set my life total to 10 three times in this game. I had an honor of the pure on board so almost every creature i had was killing her creatures if i didn't she was using Sorin's + to kill my Soul's Attendant. I used Brave the elements a few times to protect them overall i eventually had 4 sisters on board after a Ranger of Eos so i secured the waste for x=4 and gained 16 life and went for an Alpha strike.

I absolutely love Secure the waste in this deck it's a really good card and can help with surprise blocks and gain quite a bit of life. In game 1 i saw 2 of them and in game 2 i saw all 3 of them. Everytime i cast it i knew i was gonna change the game in my favor.

GR Tron 2-0

Game 1 First time all night i won a dice roll i was happy. I started with a aggressive hand with Ghost quarters in hand. a Turn 1 sister after that i went hyper aggressive Ghost quartering on his turn 3 during the draw step. The game came to a quick conclusion on turn 4.

-1 Martyr of Sands -4 Squadron Hawk -1 Windbrisk Heights +2 Stony Silence +2 Sundering Growth +1 Burrenton Forge-Tender +1 Rest in PeaceWindbrisk Heights was a last second decision for a Rest in Peace because of Kozeliks Return. I mostly pulled it due to it being too slow against tron.

Game 2 I looked at hand with no tech against his deck and 1 tap land i mulli to 6 for a hand of early aggression plus a Ghost Quarter. His turn 1 was a non tron piece so i went early aggro into a a pridemate. He used pyroclasim to blow me out on his turn. He now had two non tron lands so i cast a spectral procession and passed. he played a second tron piece i played a honor of the pure and hit him for 6 putting him on a 3 turn clock. i ghost quartered his tron piece on his draw step and he played a grove on his turn. I swung on mine using windbrisk heights to combat trick out another Spectral procession putting him to death next turn. He drew looked at his hand and the new card and conceded.

January 24, 2016 3:06 p.m.

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