At its core, this is a control deck with a big tokens element, and the most important card in it is Hidden Stockpile. If you have just one copy of Hidden Stockpile in play, it's good but not great; you get a token every time you sacrifice Renegade Map or Evolving Wilds, and you can pay one mana to scry once a turn. Once you get either a second copy of it or an Anointed Procession, however, you're in business, as each sacrifice effect will net you two tokens, and every turn you can get a scry and an extra token for free. Since you're scrying so much, it doesn't take much time for you to find a third of one of those effects, at which point you'll have so many tokens that the game will spiral out of control for your opponent. It's important to remember that multiple Anointed Processions scale multiplicatively with each other—if you have two of them in play, you get four tokens instead of one. When you don't have Stockpile, you can also win with Anointed Procession and Adanto, the First Fort, which gives you two 1/1 lifelinkers per turn.
My current favorite build of tokens is Abzan, which is almost straight black-white but splashes for Vraska, Relic Seeker. Vraska is a great top end in this build, and it serves as a kill condition and a way to get rid of opposing permanents like Ixalan's Binding, Cast Out, God-Pharaoh's Gift, and even Anointed Procession if you're playing the semi-mirror. In a deck that is mostly synergy based, Vraska offers some welcome power, and it's the kind of card that can win you the game by itself even if the rest of your plan is disrupted, doing what basically The Scarab God does in other builds. On top of that, Anointed Procession works well with both of its abilities (you get double Pirates or double Treasures), and the green splash is mostly free, given that the deck is already playing four Renegade Maps and four Evolving Wilds just to trigger Hidden Stockpile.
After that, I'm a fan of Fumigate. It doesn't seem like having a sweeper would be the best in a tokens deck, but you're not a traditional tokens deck—you're a control deck with tokens. You don't care about destroying your own board, because it's so easily rebuilt with Hidden Stockpile (often in the very same turn), and you can actually use the life you gain from it.
This deck is very good versus midrange strategies that attack on the ground, as it both runs sweepers and can generate basically infinite chump blockers. It's also good versus traditional blue-black control decks, as they simply don't have the tools to kill you in the late game. It struggles a bit versus fliers (though you have a lot of removal, so they need a critical mass to be able to go over you completely), and it struggles a lot against Approach of the Second Sun builds, since they can kill you through any amount of blockers. Right now, I think the metagame is particularly good for the deck, since most control players have been moving toward blue-black rather than white-blue, so I would give it a try if you were looking for another style of control deck to play.