
Experimental build for a way to fight other control decks, mono red aggro, and green decks.


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Sunday PPTQ resulting in 58 players to show up.

Round 1 Jeskai Dragons vs U/B Dragons(Not Esper) Lose 2-1

Unfortunately I had the troubles of playing a friend in the first round. -Game 1 I won on the backs of double Thunderbreak Regent.

-I lose game 2 to a turn 3 Ashiok after doing a miss play of playing a turn 2 tap land instead of leaving up a negate mana.

-Game 3 came and I had a dominate hand. Turn 4 I anticipate into a Dragonlord Ojutai to turn my three Silumgars Scorn on. Lady luck decides to take a long break and leave me missing my fifth land drop for seven turns. Leaving me on my fifth land vs my opponents ninth, control mirrors is always favorable to the side that has more lands.

Round 2 Green/Red Devotion

Win 2-1 Again I had to play another friend.( Is this a day I have to play against all my friends or the usual shop members?)

-Game 1 I had complete control after fighting my way through four Stormbreath dragons and a few Thunderbreak Regent.

-Game 2 I lost because sometimes turn three Stormbreath dragon into turn four Nissa just get there.

-Game 3 came around and I had complete control, but I could never find a moment to resolve a Ojutai or Thunderbreak Regent until about turn 16 and having to deal with getting attacked by Courser of Kruphix for about five turns.

Round 3 Abzan Aggro Lose 2-1 I played against someone I don't know yes! Isn't your deck suppose to be really good vs green decks though? The answer is yes, but one misplay costed me the round when I had complete control and two dragons coming up.

-Game 1 I won after going to nine and resolving two Icefall Regent against his two Rakshasa Deathdealer.

-Game 2 is the game I punted. After siding in things like Glare of Heresy, Anger of the god, Mastery of the Unseen I got to chance to use them all except Mastery of the Unseen. It was around turn 12 or 13 and my opponents a nine and I am at 1 life. He resolved a Elspeth, Sun's Champion. In my hand was a Ugin, the spirit Dragon. So what happened was that my opponent had a monsterous Fleece mane-lion out. In my head I made it a priority to kill his Elspeth and creatures so I did. I should have just minused Ugin for two. At this point Ugin's at one and I have zero cards in hand. My opponent missed seven land drops and I killed/ countered the majority of his spells like I was suppose to so what are the chances he draws a relevent spell or Siege Rhino. He top decks a Anafenza plays it and passes. I draw into a land, but underneath it was a Dragonlord Ojutai then a Thunderbreak Regent, sometimes they just get lucky.

Game 3 I made the rookie mistake of keeping a Glare of Heresy hand and couldn't kill double deathdealer. Whoops.

Round 4 Jeskai Dragons vs Esper Dragon Control Win 2-0 Sweet I play against a fellow shop member what luck!

-Game 1 Myself and him had played out a very quick first game even though we are both control decks. It got to the point where his life total was to low and he had no real way to survive a lightning strike because of the Thunderbreak Regents.

-Game 2 I won because I was able to resolve a one of Goblin Rabblemaster and ride that to victory along with Mastery of the Unseen. I did accidently grab eight cards from a Dig, but because we knew each other we both let it slide.

Round 5 Jeskai Dragons vs U/B Dragon Control( Not Esper) Win 2-1 Yay another friend that is fun.

-Game 1 Was just a off game of I can't find a single draw spell or counter spell for some reason, but Thunderbreak Regent comes in packs kind of like Siege Rhino. I get him to two life and then I don't drawing anything, just lands. The control player Ultimate Ugin and puts him out of burn range even though I still have about three lightning strikes left and two wild slashs. No Silumgar's Scorn, no Dig Through Time, and no anticipates played until after he ultimates Ugin. The odd part was if I could resolve a spell after he ultimates I was still in the game to win it.

-Game 2 I sided in Mastery of the Unseen, Disdainful Strokes, Negates, Dragonlords Proagative, and Stratus Dancer. Typically burn spells are good, I wanted to win the advantage war and counter war better since they have no idea what they want to bring in since the deck is very odd. I win game 2 by resolving two Icefall Regents and having two Scorns and one negate and one disdainful stroke.

-Game 3 I side out one Icefall Regent for a one of Rabblemaster. At this point in time the head judge calls out 10 minutes left while me and my friend start game 3. He goes turn one island pass and then I play my Temple and pass. He goes turn two grindclock and pass. I play my second tap land and pass. This is where he lost the game which is play a second grindclock on turn 3 and land instead of playing land leaving up Silumgar Scorn. I untap play a third land and morph a Stratus Dancer. Throughout the next couple turns it was a fight to kill my Stratus Dancer which wasn't going to happen while I had to worry about decking myself. He eventually tries to crux of fating my lone Stratus Dancer and I disdainful stroke it untap attack for 3 with a mega morphed Dancer, play a Thunderbreak Regent leaving up Dissolve/Negate/Silumgar Scorn.

Round 6 Jeskai Dragons vs Abzan Control Win 2-1 Again another person from the shop cool!

-Game 1 I lost control after having to fight off four siege rhinos and trying to be greedy playing and attacking with Thunderbreak Regent/ Dragonlord Ojutais. Be patient they're spots you have to take.

-Game 2 I sided in Negate, Disdainful stroke, Mastery of the Unseen, and Glare of Heresy. After getting thoughtseized three times, and duressed two and him stuck on three lands I stole the game with a Mastery of the Unseen and then countering his Rhinos for game.

-Game 3 I cut a Icefall Regents for my Goblin Rabblemaster and a Anticipate for a Stratus Dancer. Turn two I get thoughtseized and reveal a Dragonlord Ojutai, Rabblemaster, Silumgar Scorn, Glare of Heresy, and three lands. He takes the Rabblemaster. I draw into a valourous stance. I get thoughtseized again. Instead of protecting it I decide to let it go and he takes the valourous stand. Draw into a Mastery of the Unseen and play it. At this point I know he has no real way of answering it by the expression on his face. So I pass and he plays a rhino passes and I of course glare it drawing a dissolve. He goes duress and takes my dissolve leaving land and Ojutai. I untap and draw a land and then play Ojutai. He just plays a courser and passes. I draw a Negate(good timing) and attack beating his abzan charm to find a Silumgar Scorn. Then I ride those two to victory.

Final results 4-2 at a PPTQ tied for 9-16th. Overall I believe this deck is very strong if not a sleeper deck and is being overlooked because of how dominate Esper Dragons is at the moment. I could have top 8 if I didn't miss play in round one and round three, but errors do happen and it was the first time playing this deck. The fact I had to make a deck on the spot since I didn't have the cards from my friend in time and I screwed up my sideboard and maindeck before it started was terrible.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 9 Rares

13 - 5 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.47
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C
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