
This is an infect deck which is Modern viable while still remaining on the cheaper side.

Right now, the Manabase is a little bit of an issue. Going three colors is hard for mana fixing unless you want to spend money on Fetches and Shocklands. I put them in there, but just remember that most of the cost on this deck comes from those lands.

Otherwise, this is infect with Exalted. A cool part of it is that you might be able to finish first match without your opponent knowing you're playing infect at all. Play a gladecover scout and they think you're doing bogles. Turn three, swing with gladecover scout. No blocks. Mutagenic Growth, Giant Growth, Groundswell, Tainted Strike. Suddenly, you have won the game and they didn't even know you were playing infect.

I hope you enjoy. Please leave suggestions to help make this deck better.


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