Wave of Tentacles - $30 bounce-spells and flyers
Hidden_Blade says... #2
I love this. I never even realised the "non-land permanent" part of those displace effects, this is awesome. The budget is really nice too, I might just make this for the fun of it heck I've probably got most of the cards. I do wonder though, what would you change if you had an unlimited budget?
April 15, 2016 1:04 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #3
I wouldn't actually change much at all. I didn't actually limit my budget during the design of this deck, it just worked out like this.
Even the budget lands do work here, Evolving Wilds is needed for the maindeck to have a chance at turning on Delirium for Topplegeist. Skyline Cascade fits perfectly here, you would pay for its effect.
I own 4x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar's, the emblem would be sweet here, but the double needs a whole new mana base. Same reason I left out Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
I think one or two Dragonlord Ojutai would be good.
April 15, 2016 1:17 p.m.
metalevolence says... #4
The non-budget version would probably be Declaration in Stone in place of Tightening Coils.
April 15, 2016 1:33 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #5
Not a bad idea metalevolence, but there is great value in having Tightening Coils returned to your hand. The way this deck plays out, the opponent is expected to always have a hand full of creature cards throughout the game even if you exile the best one with Declaration in Stone. Every turn the opponent will put down one or two threats that you need to deal with, regardless of adding a small number of exile or kill spells.
Declaration in Stone might make a great sideboard card though.
April 15, 2016 1:47 p.m.
Is there an advantage to running Claustrophobia over Pacifism (DTK)? I guess it shuts off Jace.
April 15, 2016 2:07 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #7
The advantage of Claustrophobia is that it takes care of stuff like Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip. Sometimes just preventing blocking and attacking isn't enough.
April 15, 2016 2:57 p.m.
Zorynjaibro says... #8
I actually just built a deck close to this one last night. Mine has Invocation of Saint Traft and Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper, but everything else is about the same.
From play testing, it seems a little too slow against both of my aggro decks, but very fun and cheap to play. Maybe your build with Claustrophobia will do better than mine against aggro.
April 15, 2016 3:12 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #9
One thing I overlooked, Meandering River should be replaced with either of the better dual lands if you have them; Port Town or Prairie Stream
April 15, 2016 5:13 p.m.
Why Gudul Lurker? It's not terrible, but personally I'd use Faerie Miscreant. Evasion and potential card draw (which is reusable with your bounce effects).
For other one-drops, there's Thraben Gargoyle Flip if you don't mind having something really slow. Or Sidisi's Faithful for more bounce.
April 15, 2016 11:40 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #11
I like Faerie Miscreant, but Gudul Lurker has the option to be megamorphed for 4 mana which seems better to me
April 15, 2016 11:53 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #12
Hey Bwearmp, I'm reconsidering Pacifism over Claustrophobia. The lower mana cost is important. I'm going to try going down to 24 lands from 25, I may just need to add a little more land.
April 16, 2016 4 a.m.
Exiled_soul says... #13
Been playtesting this and I love it! Made my own variant and I found that Mirror Mockery works wonders. Casting it on an opponents creature is great but you can also cast it on your own creatures such as Reflector Mage or Topplegeist for some insane value. What do you think?
April 16, 2016 4:07 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #14
Mirror Mockery is cool, if your going to play it swap the Gudul Lurker's for Faerie Miscreant's so you have the option to draw a card every turn.
The reason I like Pacifism better is that it reliably prevents a creature from blocking, as long as you don't face a deck full of flyers you should be okay without it.
April 16, 2016 4:27 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #16
I haven't actually played many games with this deck as it is now. I played a couple FNMs with an earlier version and made a bunch of changes afterwards. My main concern right now is with the mana base, if the game goes long enough everything's good, but there's a chance of getting mana screwed and not being able to do enough with Displacement Wave and not being able to cast Crush of Tentacles. The numbers of creature cards / wipes / removal seem pretty solid. There's room to fine tune the card choices to the meta.
The reason I expect it to be well positioned is because the top decks are weak against flyers and board wipes but expect to protect themselves with Archangel Avacyn Flip. This deck doesn't care about indestructible creatures at all and I'm not going to be killing any of their creatures so Avacyn may never flip.
April 18, 2016 4:41 a.m.
Zorynjaibro says... #17
I played this deck against a thopter deck and got crushed most games. What would you suggest to sideboard against a token deck? It seems like Thopter Spy Network just needs to die since it really hurts this deck. Maybe Angelic Purge since it can also deal with creatures that have ETB effects?
April 18, 2016 1:45 p.m.
PlagueRats says... #18
I see how a thopter deck could be a problem. Thopter Spy Network doesn't seem like the biggest threat though, as long as you can bounce it. All the thopters die and then they have to spend most of their mana just to get one thopter next turn. The combination of a deck full of creatures that spawn thopters seems like the real problem. this deck can't cope with more then two flyers per turn.
I'm working on a slightly different main board with 3-4 more removal cards to add Mirror Mockery along with a sideboard strategy that runs four Profaner of the Dead. You'll have to side out most of the enchantment based removal because Profaner will kill it, but Profaner of the Dead enchanted with Mirror Mockery should be great against aggro.
April 18, 2016 3:52 p.m.
Zorynjaibro says... #19
The draw trigger on the spy networkS was the big threat. Every time I bounced things, he'd just play a bunch of gearcrafters and "mom and dad". The draws kept him with counterspells which he saved just for my mass bounce spells.
On a positive note, I guess I found a weakness that this deck has. I'll try the Profaner, but I don't see this deck winning too often against thopters (the only deck I got to test this one against, go figure!)
April 18, 2016 8:48 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #20
Wall of Resurgence + Profaner of the Dead is funny.
April 19, 2016 7:38 a.m.
PlagueRats says... #21
I always want to play Wall of Resurgence, but it always under preformed in the few match ups I've played it. One thing about this deck is that I don't expect to ever need the 6 toughness of Wall of Resurgence to exploit for Profaner of the Dead because the main deck is strong against big creatures already, I only expect to side in Profaner of the Dead against decks that go wide with small creatures and tokens.
April 19, 2016 10:20 a.m.
PistonGolem says... #22
I found that an annoying target for Mirror Mockery is Whirler Rogue, because it generates more flyers, also you could try Essence Flux for instant speed flickering. I am just suggesting, but I have only been playing for 6 months.
April 19, 2016 12:57 p.m.
flaisgiorgos says... #24
I played with my werewolves deck against something similar to this and I managed to pull through as I was playing mainly creatures with haste even bouncing them back to my hand wasn't much of an issue. I think that Declaration in Stone can be on the sideboard but then your budget deck goes over $30. In any case this is a really nice deck. :)
April 20, 2016 6:16 a.m.
I don't know which to suggest yet (still haven't been able to wrap my mind around Standard), but you should run some instants (and possibly an artifact) to improve the odds of reaching delirium.
lindo1905 says... #1
Bravo +1.
April 15, 2016 12:41 p.m.