

Grixis midrange for current standart - main goal is to fight BR MAchines, UW Control and UW Historic and Mono Red.
Card choices are explained below, this is a first draft of Dominaria standart update. Will update the deck after more matches played.
Some single card choices are also done to invalidate opponents knowledge of the list, they just can get lost in guessing what you have and what you don't.

  • 4x Glint-Sleeve Siphoner - energy payoff, good to pressure control, can overdraw us, bad in agro matchups and is sided out. Also should be sided if you expect Goblin Chainwhirler
  • 2x Glorybringer - hasty midrange flier with attached removal, quickly ends games if unchecked, one of the ways to fight midrange wars
  • 2x Gonti, Lord of Luxury - in midrange and control matchups steals their threats / answers, invalidates combat attachs with deathtouch
  • 2x The Scarab God - wins games on it's own, premium class threat. mostly used to steal opponents creatures ( explained below why ) and rebuys our own creatures
  • 2x Torrential Gearhulk - our way to ambush opponents combat with additional body + removal, also pressures opposing counterspells if played at the opponents EOT
  • 4x Whirler Virtuoso - one of our ways to fight back with agro, however with Goblin Chainwhirler you should be careful with making thopters
  • 2x Abrade - decent removal spell that kills decent amount of relevant creatures, vehicles and gearhulks + deals with some pesky artifacts
  • 1x Commit // Memory - can counter uncounterable spells, bounces permanents and rebuys our graveyard with Memory part, best value to cast off gearhulk EOT of your opponent, to be first to untap with new seven cards
  • 1x Glimmer of Genius - best card selection spell in this manacost, only one due to lack of space
  • 4x Harnessed Lightning - best energy removal, can be scaled to kill everything
  • 2x Magma Spray - early removal for agro, fixes opposing gods occasionally + exiles some creatures that can return back from graveyard
  • 1x Supreme Will - another optional spell that can be used both as card selection or soft counter, might add up more of this
  • 4x Vraska's Contempt - exiles all problematic creatures, cost is high, but definetly worth it.
  • 2x Chandra, Torch of Defiance - has 4 relevant abilities, can win games on her own, sometimes helps you adding mana to preserve lands for instant speed removal
  • 2x Search for Azcanta   - scry on the upkeep is relevant by itself, but attached to a land side it will bury your opponent under card advantage
Most of the lists run 26 lands, but I cut one because of 2 Search for Azcanta   that can count like a land. Your most important costs are either with or
Adding small notes on which cards I'd board in which matchups


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

34 - 8 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.40
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Energy Reserve, Thopter 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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