I swear, I'll make Tibalt work!

Modern* Weler


Matth33w says... #1

668$ close enough to 666 +1Also I just love Tibalt...I dont know why, but he's cool as hell (pun intended) HA-ha!You could try some reanimate too.

June 23, 2015 6:49 p.m.

Weler says... #2

Oh my god, I didn't even realize that! I'll just have to wait for the time it goes down a little, haha!And ya, everyone hates on Tibalt, but a 2 mana planeswalker is just something you want to make work. Also, his personality is just so annoying. :)

June 23, 2015 7 p.m.

Yasha_san says... #3

I've always try used this planeswalker for two reasons: I draw card (with random discar, but DRAW) and this cost 2!

When this card stared in standar I used him with Burning Vegance, Reforged soul, snap-caster mages and flash-back cards (in special Memory's Journey for recoved a Burning Vegance). This was intresting. The only problem, was the mana color on standar (in this time), and in this time Winzard created much hate graveyads card on standar D:!!!! Make more dificult used this deck and in this time I haven't some much time for Magic, and I don't played much, so I can't show how works this card. But always, I'm insist This card is underestimated.

Well, my opinion on this: used more goblins guied, Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, chages Tormenting Voice by Faithless Looting and removed one Reforged soul and add one Past in flames.I recomend used to Bloodsoaked Champion,Tymaret, The Murder and King, Haakon, Stromgald, Fiery Temper and Nameless Inversion (this have combo with Haakon, Stromgald)!

And if you can add White mana for use lingering souls on made, some destroed enchament in your sidedeck for evade rest in peaces, Leyline of Sanctity and Leyline of the Void. And if possible add some Silver Knights or Fiendslayer Paladin in sidedeck (this have combo with Haakon, Stromgald too)

July 8, 2015 11:36 p.m.

Weler says... #4

I'll think about adding white... Everything else you suggested seems good, and i'll playtest with them a little bit.

And I definitely agree that he is underestimated. I definitely see the drawback in the fact that the card you discard is random, but players have broken seemingly useless cards before. I'm hoping the same can be said about tibalt. :)

July 10, 2015 5:31 p.m.

Alexithemia says... #5

Was thinking of Suggesting Madness cards, there's only 2 red ones in modern Fiery Temper and Reckless Wurm

July 15, 2015 11:27 p.m.

Weler says... #6

Ya, probably gonna end Fiery Temper. Thinking of taking out Blood Moon for it. It feels wrong to take out something so broken but it doesn't actually interact with the deck. I'll test it out.

July 15, 2015 11:55 p.m.

notKingCole says... #7

You know what's fun with Alesha? Master of Cruelties. Other than that, maybe add more Monastery Swiftspear to make it faster. Oh, and I bet Soulflayer gets along with Tibalt.

July 16, 2015 6:17 p.m.

Weler says... #8

OH MY GOD HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT Master of Cruelties! Ya, definitely gotta sneak him in there somewhere. I think Monastery Swiftspear also goes well, and i'd like to get rid of another creature entirely to fit her in so I don't have so many 2 drops. I hate the idea of getting rid of Goblin Guide, but honestly that might be an ok decision... that or getting rid of Avalanche Riders, no matter how annoying it is with alesha.

Soulflayer is interesting... I'll have to see if it's worth to put in for a 4/4 fast flyer... Thanks for the advice!

July 16, 2015 7:11 p.m.

notKingCole says... #9

Glad I could help. :) One day everyone will know just how broken Tibalt is!

July 16, 2015 7:24 p.m.

Yasha_san says... #10

Well. Today there are more cards with graveyards interection. In special in last sets: Theros, Takir and Origins. In old set: Innistrand (offcourse), Time spiral and Lorwyn, Alfa-Beta-Ultima (there "Lends of library"), Tempes and Couldsnap, and Zendicard.

July 16, 2015 10:58 p.m.

Yasha_san says... #11

Ok, I'm share my Tibalt's deck version XD

Tibalt Wins!!!!!!

July 17, 2015 12:37 a.m.

When he was in standard, I actually played him in a Mardu reborn deck. It was a great deck, so try adding white and graveyard retrieval spells that fit the theme. Also Avacyn is amazing to pull outta the graveyard ;)

July 21, 2015 9:35 p.m.

Weler says... #13

I'm thinking I might have to add the white... There is just so much good utility in it... Not sure about the Avacyn, as the only way I can see bringing her back is with Tibalt's ultimate, which is honestly just a nice day dream to imagine pulling off.

July 21, 2015 9:48 p.m.

Unburial Rites is a great card to use if you're going to dump big creatures in the graveyard. There are other ways.

July 21, 2015 10:57 p.m.

Weler says... #15

I don't think I'll go towards a huge amount of graveyard revival. The non-creature spell dominated style seems to work really well, especially with [monastery swiftspear]. I'm more trying to find some more decent madness cards, but looking, there aren't many mardu ones that are that good... I think the deck is in a much better place thanks to adding white, though.

July 21, 2015 11:14 p.m.

maewionn says... #16

Okay, first of all: Awesome! I always thought of making Tibalt viable somehow, however, red is not my strong suit. So let me give you my thoughts:

I wonder where the unburyial rites are... too expensive cmc-wise to run?

Besides, I see very little synergie in master of cruelties. I love the card, albeit it's dead in your graveyard. Unburial rites may help here, same with the anarchist, but right now :/

Kederekt Parasite may be better then the goblin, seeing how you will have red permanents quite often. Also punishes decks with heavy card draw.

Also, lingering souls is a very strong and happy to be discarded, however, all you gain are 1/1 flyers. Not much in this deck helps them, and vice versa.

Considering the lootings, reforges and tibalt, I'd even say that Fiery temper might be better then lightning bolt.

If manafixing works, gorgon recluse or nightshade assains might be a go to cards, too. Hell, even the reckless worm might be pretty playable with tibalt!

Best Regards

July 22, 2015 9:50 a.m.

SirFowler says... #17

I am also a huge fan of Tibalt. In fact, I built a deck around him and I think it does pretty well. Check it out when you have the chance. I want to help others with Tibalt builds because I know in my heart he can work.

As for this deck, one creature I would definitely recommend would be Demigod of Revenge. Discarding him with multiple effects and bringing them all back when you cast him sounds pretty amazing. Not to mention the looks on peoples faces when they realize what just happened.

Another card that works well would be Bloodghast because he can just return with a landfall trigger. If you ran some sac outlets like Viscera Seer would greatly increase the chance of your creatures not being permanently exiled. Plus the scry trigger is always nice to have so you can get you to your goal.

The thing about this deck is that Tibalt feels really out of place because it feels like more of a burn deck with him thrown in. You need to build the deck around him so you can get synergy with his abilities. Plus, you have a lot of high cmc cards without any means to protect them imo. I'm just saying there is the right place for everything, but I feel like you re mixing strategies, which never work as well as people hope they would.

Anyway, hope these suggestions help. Let me now if you ever want to test it out sometime. I'm actually curious how this would do against my deck. If you do, just get back to me and we'll arrange something.

July 22, 2015 7:41 p.m.

Weler says... #18

I Think i'll get rid of alesha and her combos... as much as I love them. They are a little slow, and you're right, the deck is supposed to feel like a burn deck, just with the ability to constantly harass your opponent, even without a hand. With that, I think Bloodghast is a good suggestion, as it doesn't rely on a card like alesha being out and attacking to get back in... I think finding better madness cards is also a huge key, not to the point where I fill the deck with them, but I might include 1 more playset of something if I find it interesting.

July 23, 2015 11:06 a.m.

Boenobleman says... #19

is it bad that i have 5 tibalts

July 23, 2015 11:10 a.m.

Weler says... #20

Boenobleman, no... It is something to take pride in.

July 23, 2015 11:16 a.m.

SirFowler says... #21

Chandra's Phoenix is nice because you can discard it, deal damage with your burn cards, then just bring them back. Also, I really like Zombie Infestation in my deck because it allows me to discard instant speed while giving me creatures. However, this deck doesn't really feel like a discard deck, so it might not be the best suggestion.

July 23, 2015 11:17 a.m.

Weler says... #22

I did really like your deck, but there is the slightest difference between ours... I think Chandra's Phoenix could work, wouldn't be as nice as Bloodghast, but it has a place. Zombie Infestation would be good for triggering madness cards without having to pay anything, but you're right, I think this deck is leading more towards burn that discarding.

July 23, 2015 11:20 a.m.

notKingCole says... #23

Hey, I just had an idea. Dark Deal. Your opponent carefully fetches up a mana base tailored to his/her hand, and poof, it's all gone. Plus, you could potentially cast some madness cards off of it, and next turn just bring back Bloodghast from the yard.

July 25, 2015 2:41 p.m.

Weler says... #24

Hmmmm... Dark deal could be handy. Basically just a Reforge the Soul with a more consistent mana cost. Could draw less cards, but could also be cast for cheaper most of the time. I'll see, because if it goes in the first card I'd think to have it replace would be Reforge the Soul. Thanks!

July 25, 2015 3:14 p.m.

SirFowler says... #25

You know what's good with Avaricious Dragon? Bazaar Trader. It wouldn't be the right card for this deck (Bazaar Trader), but I just thought it would be funny to mention.

July 25, 2015 3:27 p.m.

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