Have you ever thought of adding one or two Temur Sabertooth, I find the bounce is amazing for dodging removal and also allows more card draw if you have an Eidolon of Blossoms on the field.
Evolutionary Leap can fulfill this too, sacing an enchant creature to get a new one from the deck, only for it to come back the next turn with Starfield of Nyx
July 24, 2015 10:41 a.m.
Signal Pest says... #3
Temur Sabertooth seems like it could be an interesting include, I'll playtest it and Evolutionary Leap to see if I like either
July 24, 2015 10:54 a.m.
I wouldn't run the dictate of karametra's because it would help your opponent out as well. as well as not running 4 of the starfields. I would only run 2 of the star field, no dictates of karametra, and replace them with 4 eidolon of countless battles. I would also run 1 or 2 of rogues passage just so you can have your beafy creatures hit your opponent no problem
July 24, 2015 12:57 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #5
I'd like to point out that yes, people will also be able to use the mana they get from Dictate of Karametra, but what will they do with it? It will accelerate the game at the same pace, but most decks do not run the draw power, or card advantage necessary to be able to make use of having additional mana, however I do. The dictate helps me more than it would help my opponent, and if all else fails it tells me I have a 5/5 creature people aren't really going to want to kill because it accelerates them.
Starfield of Nyx is an integral part of the deck, I want to see it every game, and I'm okay with seeing more than one copy of it. Having two of them on the field either says I'm getting back 2 enchantments per turn, or that I'm swinging two 5/5 creatures at them each turn, both of which are okay with me. Having more copies also allows me to play another one after someone wraths or Back to Nature's my board away.
July 24, 2015 1:25 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #6
Okay, so I took this deck to FNM and it did fairly well. I'm thinking about adding +1 Eidolon of Blossoms to smooth out it's draw, there were a few games where I didn't see one and I stalled out til I did. Not to mention Brimaz, King of Oreskos is a fairly dead card if I draw it. I'm thinking of replacing it with Ghostblade Eidolon. Any thoughts?
July 25, 2015 8:20 p.m.
My friend and I were talking about how best to use Starfield of Nyx and Sigil of the Empty throne.
And this is what I cam up with.Abzan Enchanting Siliness
July 25, 2015 11:31 p.m.
YourRightfulKing says... #8
If you haven't tried it, Archetype of Courage is a pretty solid enchantment creature. Also, someone else suggested it first, but Eidolon of Countless Battles can be a real threat.
July 26, 2015 5:55 a.m.
Signal Pest says... #9
The reason I don't like Eidolon of Countless Battles is that it's only useful and relevant if I'm already ahead. Otherwise, it's pay (at minimum) 2 mana for a 1/1, or (at max) 3 mana for a 1/1. I don't run that many aura's for it to be a relevant thing by itself.
Archetype of Courage is slightly more relevant, as its 2 mana for a 2/2 (or 3 mana for a 2/2) with an upside. So right now the choice is either Archetype of Courage or Ghostblade Eidolon
July 26, 2015 10:27 a.m.
Sphere of Safety might be good to add considering you have so many enchantments.
July 26, 2015 5:48 p.m.
I apologize, I play modern most of time and keep forgetting about rotations.
July 26, 2015 6:09 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #13
@Quarion65 If I decide to make a modern equivalent, I will consider sphere of safety and Enchanted Evening
July 26, 2015 6:36 p.m.
Is there a standard card that protects against cards like Back to Nature, Dromoka's Command, and Reclamation Sage in selesnya colors? If so, I would suggest to run it if you can. Back to Nature hasn't really been played lately, but better to be safe than sorry.
July 26, 2015 8:48 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #15
@SirFowler I would happily run it if it existed, whenever I play I worry that someone will be running Back to Nature and my deck will just fall apart.
July 27, 2015 2:39 p.m.
the key to beating a Back to Nature is Banishing Light. You use it on the SECOND Starfield of Nyx you cast. That way when you get hit with the board wipe, your first starfield comes back into play and can immediately begin recovering. You can use the Suspension Field too, but I didn't see that on the list.
July 27, 2015 4:42 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #17
@bellz76 Are effects like Suspension Field and Silkwrap worth running?
July 27, 2015 10:08 p.m.
Meh- they can be... inevitably you will have one in hand when you want the other, but... answers are always going to be more narrow than the questions. If you do run them, maybe 1 in the main and the other in the board? I haven't done any testing yet so they both could be great or they could both stink... the concern about Back to Nature is real though- esp at FNM's, so having the option to Banishing Light is a good thing..
July 28, 2015 7:50 a.m.
greenbannas says... #19
Citadel Siege is insane! Especially in a deck like this with lots of enchantments, AND its never a do nothing. Plus it fills out your curve because you have very few 4 drops. Its khans mode gives two +1+1 counters a turn to any creature so you can turn any of your smaller enchantment creatures into a threat. Or you can use
its dragons ability to stall attacks until you get more board presence.
July 28, 2015 7:19 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #20
@greenbannas On that note, would Frontier Siege be worth running? It would turn every enchantment spell I cast into a kill spell if I have Sigil of the Empty Throne out as well.
July 28, 2015 9:49 p.m.
First off I'm glad more people are trying to make the enchantment deck work. It was my favorite deck when Primeval Bounty was a thing and now its got standard Opalescence!! I'm also trying to work things out and others are as well. SCG Richmond had Abzan Constellation make it to the top 8. Check that out for a good springboard. Now onto my thoughts.
+1 to whomever suggested Citadel Siege. I feel like it is the closest thing to Sphere of Safety we can get in this standard. Also if we can be more aggressive it is always a bonus to start making our Eidolons 4/4's or Coursers 4/6's. As far as Frontier Siege I feel like it is kind of tricky. Either you throw it down early for its Khans effect and then draw your Sigil of the Empty Throne and not have your removal combo or you play it for its dragons effect and never draw a sigil and are left with no benefit. I just feel that Citadel Siege will almost always have an effect on the board.
Something that I really like is Kruphix's Insight. In an enchantment based deck its practically a filtered draw three cards for three mana. Depending on the opponent there may be other things we want to do on turn three/2 but it almost always fills your hand. Finally it can help you throw some enchantments in the graveyard to play for free with Starfield of Nyx. Consider it.
Speaking of the Starfield if you're playing Kruphix's Insight it'll be much easier to find so that you can run maybe one less to fit in the fourth Eidolon of Blossoms. Eidolon is the most important part of this deck and should be and instant four of in any enchantment based deck. The card advantage is too important. Which is why I will be running quite a few Valorous Stance in the sideboard for spot removal decks.
Finally as far as Back to Nature goes my biggest suggestions are Kruphix's Insight to keep your hand full after the board wipe, make sure you keep one Starfield of Nyx in your hand so that they don't all get wiped, or splash blue or black. Blue gives you counter magic like Negate or Clash of Wills, and black can give you Duress or Thoughtseize to grab their kills before they sling them.
I have my first idea on a page and all sorts of ideas that have been bouncing in my head. Just use it for some of my ideas and maybe we can work together to make something beautiful. New Enchantment Coolness
July 28, 2015 11 p.m.
Signal Pest says... #22
Hallowed Moonlight has been removed from the sideboard, replaced with Citadel Siege. This is mostly because I don't feel like Hallowed Moonlight fills any need that the deck currently has, while I can bring in the sieges in multiple different match ups (either buffing my field or tapping their problem creatures is always relevant to me). Dictate of Heliod replaced with a one of Citadel Siege, mostly for the lower mana cost but also because it will simply be more useful to me in the long run. Frontier Siege is replacing Brimaz, King of Oreskos because the enchantment type is more useful to me than an beater that eats removal on a silver platter, not to mention the dragon mode makes almost every enchantment I cast an uncounterable kill spell if Sigil of the Empty Throne is on the battlefield. (cast, not etb. It's relevant).
July 30, 2015 12:50 p.m.
Have you forgotten about Collected Company decks? Hallowed Moonlight was made specifically for that reason. Also stuff like Rally the Ancestors, Bloodsoaked Champion, and Flamewake Phoenix. And don't get me started on what it means for modern against stuff like Living End decks.
Edit: I almost forgot Deathmist Raptor. One of the most annoying creatures.
July 30, 2015 2:44 p.m. Edited.
Signal Pest says... #24
@SirFowler I'm aware of all of the decks, I'm also aware that those decks are all but non-existant in my meta. I haven't went against any Collected Company decks here at all, Rally the Ancestors gets stopped by Hushwing Gryff Bloodsoaked Champion and Flamewake Phoenix and Deathmist Raptor all die to an angel or any of my easily recurred enchantments. I do realize these things exist and they are relevant, they simply aren't relevant to me.The modern part is even more irrelevant because this is a a standard deck. I'm not saying that Hallowed Moonlight isn't useful, I'm saying it's currently not useful to me.
Signal Pest says... #1
@greenbannas The original reason for not running Dictate of Heliod is it was a bant deck with a heavy focus on green, so Dictate of Karametra simply fit better. I'll cut 1 Dictate of Karametra for 1 Dictate of Heliod and see how it runs.
July 23, 2015 5:07 p.m.