Our goal here is to durdle long enough to play real cards. In the early game, the deck plays the synergistic trilogy of Nyx-Fleece Ram, Soldier of the Pantheon and Ajani's Pridemate. The Ram and the Soldier gain life to buff the Pridemate, while the Soldier provides a bit of early pressure and a great blocker against multi-color decks (read: nearly all of them).
Geist of the Moors and Dawnbringer Charioteers fill in the middle slots. Geist is a sub-optimal 3-drop, I know, but his double white mana symbols make him attractive. He can also fly over Siege Rhino and be a headache to strategies that try to gum up the ground. The Charioteers are FANTASTIC in the deck. It's a great blocker against aggro strategies, adds 2 devotion, and buffs your Pridemate. Post side-board, this is also a great candidate to suit up with Spectra Ward.
Our top end consists of Soul of Theros, Avacyn, Guardian Angel, and a one-of Resolute Archangel. Soul of Theros is a massive body and a great place to stick our extra mana. He provides a giant swing, even from the graveyard. Avacyn is also sweet. She provides a crap-ton of devotion, and has a decently sized vigilant body. She also provides a place to sink our extra mana.
Then there are 7 maindeck removal spells. This helps us stay alive long enough to cast the cards that matter.
The sideboard is semi-transformational. If you'd like (and I often do), you can move into a mono-white control list. Against Abzan for instance, you can cut the Pridemates, the Geists, the Archangel, and trim some number of sheep and Charioteers to bring in Glare of Heresy (Rhinos, Banishing Light, Elspeth, Sorin, Roc), Suspension Field (basically all non-mana dudes), Hushwing Gryff (Roc, Rhino), and the Spectra Wards to close out the game. 3 copies of End Hostilities are a backup plan, and should let you keep the board clean long enough to run them out of cards. You eventually want to win with a flying dude equipped with Spectra Ward, or just a flying dude or two. Elspeth would probably be great here, but I've yet to pick any up.
Suggestions are totally welcome. Also, it should probably go without saying, but this is a mostly-budget list. Wingmate Roc, Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Brimaz, King of Oreskos would obviously be great to have. If you've got 'em, use 'em.