New UWR Control

Modern iVampire


Ashy says... #1

Really like the deck +1'd :)! I would love your opinion on mine sometime if you don't mind

November 18, 2014 2:42 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #2

A couple of thoughts:

You need more Dig Through Time. The card is absolutely bonkers, and I'd strongly suggest playing 2 copies, 3 if you want to take a risk. Finding anything you need (threats, removal, counterspells) for a very low cost is not to be underestimated.

I think you want at least one Pyroclasm in the main. It's better than Forked Bolt against Delver in my opinion, and comes down turns before Anger or Verdict.

Maindeck Counterflux seems unnecessary. I'd play another Cryptic Command. I'm also not a fan of 2 Shadow of Doubt, sometimes it's just a worse Think Twice. It does have its moments against Pod, so 1 is fine.

Regarding the landbase: Not a fan of Desolate Lighthouse. Sulfur Falls ensures you can cast Cryptic and Anger with more consistency. Tectonic Edge in addition to the Loothouse is likely too much of a tax on your manabase.

Regarding the sideboard: Rest in Peace is unnecessary, as it isn't worth bringing in against delve spells and there is no real graveyard deck. Counterflux can go in its place, as could Kor Firewalker, Engineered Explosives or Crucible of Worlds.

January 4, 2015 9:09 p.m.

iVampire says... #3

@GlistenerAgent what should I take out for one more DTT?

Have you played with Desolate Lighthouse? It is an amazing card. It has gotten me out of so many rough spots. Honestly, I can't imagine not running it.

January 5, 2015 10:22 a.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #4

I think the cut is Shadow of Doubt.

Desolate Lighthouse seems fine. I just think that if you want to cast Counterflux or Anger of the Gods, it's doing you no favors. If anything, cut a Tectonic Edge because 2 copies of that card is pretty safe and too many colorless lands isn't.

January 5, 2015 2:53 p.m.

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