About the Blood-Chin Fanatic, I find this card useful because he can turn a close game around and has a combo with the Bloodsoaked Champion.
Combo with Bloodsoaked works that if you have Blood-chin on field you can sacrifice the Bloodsoaked and bring him back to the field as many times as your mana allows through Bloodsoaked's raid function. While it is a costy combo at 2 mana to sacrifice and 2 mana to return the champion, this makes for a useful late game combo when you have been forced into a cleared board state or are hitting lots of land on your draw instead of other useful cards.
The primary function for this card is to come out in the mid to late game of the deck and allow you to fodder of your army after/during an attack and claim victory because it is unavoidable damage. Just try not to fodder your army off preemptively as you will be left with no board state and not much else to do.
November 15, 2015 11:42 p.m.
Nice deck.. Unique and cool.. By the way, wanna add Raiders' Spoils? I know it's a common one in all B/W warriors deck but still amazing to add and there is good reason why you should add it..
November 16, 2015 1:13 a.m.
I know the reason why I should use Raiders' Spoils... But I find that the card gets in the way at times. I throw it in from time to time to test but feels like it clogs up my decks rush potential. I like the draw function it can provide but having the little bit of control I run over it feels more useful.
My plan for deck change at the moment is to take out 1 Battle Brawler and 1 Seeker of the Way out for 2 more Blood-Chin Ragers. The Reager's effect is really strong at keeping pressure on your opponent. Decided to pull 1 seeker out because the effects are nice but require you to use spells to trigger and I don't run that heavy on spells to get the effect often. Decided on removing 1 Brawler because I am changing the flow of white permanents and he requires 1 on field to really be value.
November 16, 2015 2:14 a.m.
@razelfark - ah I understand what you mean.. Given you have 20 lands it's not a guarantee that you would have a lot of peeps and 4 mana to spare for a non-peep spell by the 4th turn.. Still suggest just 1 copy of it in the deck as it is still phoenomenal..
And yes Blood-Chin Rager is the sole reason why I am encouraged to run black in my warrior deck.. A word of warning though, it will encourage you as well to run 4 Bloodsoaked Champion instead of 4 Mardu Woe-Reaper as that slight change in color balance means have a domino effect where you would rather have more swamps than plains in the deck; thus increasing the need for more early black peeps..
November 16, 2015 7:18 a.m.
minorokt I get what you mean about wanting to run 4 Bloodsoaked Champion but I am not likely to pull out any Mardu Woe-Reaper because I find their ability to help remove things in grave is really useful. The life gain isn't going to add up for much, but being able to deny recursion options is really where it is at since a lot of deck have some way to bring cards back. If I were to take your advice I might just take out the Battle Brawlers because of the shift of pulling white cards out might make him less likely to be useful. Either that or shift all Chief of the Scale to side deck since they make for a good anti burn card passively. When I do that shift I would likely drop the Dragon Hunters from the side to make room. But what to do with that 1 card slot in the side... Well you got me thinking again. Will have to give Raiders' Spoils another attempt for the heck of it I suppose.
November 16, 2015 7:30 a.m.
chemicals23 says... #7
I like it. The main looks so similar to my starter point, i see understand why you win so effectively. except i always ran 2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor and mocked my abzan overlords, and 2 utter end for the raw coverage.
We ended up puting silkwrap x3 in the main because my hardest matches are one that i run into a early Warden of the First Tree, Hanger back walker, Mantis Rider and finally Jace
consider adding Infinite Obliteration on the side board. I like the overall coverage of your board.
December 5, 2015 7:54 p.m.
Yeah chemicals23, I keep trying to think about adding the Utter End because of its pure target utility and Sorin, Solemn Visitor because his damage from going wide. Reason they aren't in the deck is simply because I have been lazy at picking up utter end and being cheap and not buying Sorin. I admit I am torn on trying to use Infinite Obliteration but see its value. Will give it a test next time I suppose. Mostly because I want to run it to completely shut down my friends ramp deck by removing his main threat (Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger) for fun. Its not like I don't have something in the side I can pull out easily enough.
December 7, 2015 3:12 a.m.
chemicals23 says... #9
keep playing warriors man let me know! i changed a lot and invest a paycheck into my brew.
How do your abzan matches, jeski black. games go, what do you actualy board in, cause i noticed i was boarding in 7 cards and he boarded in 7 removal spells and i died to man lands LOL.
December 8, 2015 2:23 a.m.
I just noticed I haven't updated the side deck since its missing a creature I side in vs those matchups, Graveblade Marauder. I will update that now.
Jeskai/Dark Jeskai:
Game 1 is usually a foot race with this build to rush before they can really get going but trying not to overextend the field too much in case they draw a board wipe.
Game 2 I side in the Graveblade Marauder as he doesn't die to most their kill spells easily and bring in more Chief of the Scale to make it so most of my creatures have better chance at surviving their burn. If I can manage to get 2 Scale out I can make their usual board wipe Radiant Flames useless vs most of my warriors. Finally I bring in the other Stasis Snare because it can help shut down the their few creatures they run. What I take out of my deck for these cards varry on my feelings at the time but I usually take Ultimate Price out since their main offender Mantis Rider is not able to be targeted by this makes it less optimal to draw. For the same reason I take out 1-2 copies of Valorous Stance because it cant kill most their creatures and the option for indestructible only works half the time vs their spells.
My scores vs dark jeskai are about 2-1 on average using this mentality.
This deck vs Abzan does well overall pending on the version of Abzan. Midrange Abzan control being one of the stronger iterations and most common I have issues if they run lots of languish but find most people just use it at one.
Game 1: the play style is similar to how I try to play cautious vs jeskai but still rush as fast but holding less in reserve.
Game 2: I side out Ultimate Price and Chief of the Scale as they aren't that useful vs the abzan deck style and bring in the Hidden Dragonslayer and Graveblade Marauder. I also try to bring Center Soul into the mix because it helps me stop them from using Dromoka's Command from fighting my creatures and stop Abzan Charms from removing my creatures. How I play the hidden dragonslayer is normally play him as a 2 drop if I have nothing better in opening hand and set him as a turn three drop and just for the 4 power creature with him unless they have a Warden of the First Tree or similar creature on board in which case I will try to play a different card in case they have command.
Hope this insight is what you were looking for in how the deck works. I side in Virulent Plague in some of these match ups pending if the deck owner went for a token theme to these decks.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
magnetcrocodile says... #1
+1 from a Horde chief to another
How does Blood-Chin Fanatic fare? I used him a couple times but I deem it underwhelming since you have to pay mana to sac. Other than that, it's a solid warrior deck
Also here's my deck in case you're interested :)
November 14, 2015 9:25 p.m.