Horde of the Damned

Standard Friagne


etaikol says... #1

Ohh now its better, u made it more midrange, but did u think about finish playset of Lightning Strike instead of Chandra, Pyromaster first, it is going much better with seeker of the way and the ultimate of chandra is not much fit the deck because most of ur instants are "better for surprise".

*Note: U can free 1 space of ur sideboard by put out 1x Seeker of the Way from the sideboard because u already got 3 in deck so 2 is a huge waste of sideboard slot...

December 17, 2014 6:43 a.m.

Friagne says... #2

I have been moving stuff around to try to make it more midrange. I really like Chandra, Pyromaster for the draw aspect late game. More often than not people do not counter her and I get some free spell casts.I seem to mostly use her ultimate to either spam Crackling Doom or Hordeling Outburst. I'd like to keep 1 in the deck, just for utility sake.

I keep trying to fit Seeker of the Way back into it, but he just loses first round to aggro so badly it just made him an easier fit to side out my Wingmate Roc for him versus control match-ups.

Do you think removing a Hero's Downfall for a Lightning Strike would be good?

December 17, 2014 10:30 a.m.

Friagne says... #3

I now see I had 1x too many Seeker of the Way, typing issue, thanks for that.

December 17, 2014 10:33 a.m.

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