An attempt to build the the most competitive Abzan deck I can with the junk cards I have.
Sylvan Caryatid - Helps ramp, fixes mana, a decent body to block aggro, and protection with hexproof (super relevant in modern!).
Voice of Resurgence - If only everyone didn't play exile cards (damn you to HELL Path to Exile!!). This is a great 2 drop, and can leave behind a possible threatening dude once destroyed. Always has a big target on his back, but worth it.
Lingering Souls - An auto-include because it has too much value. Get two 1/1 flyers on T3, and flash it back for only 2 mana??! Hell yes.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos - Solid 3 drop that withstands a BOLT. Makes dudes either attacking or blocking. Hell yes. Too bad I only have 1 copy.
Siege Rhino - THE reason we play junk. A B.D.D. with 3 life gain that also pings an opponent directly for 3? I'll take a play-set please! Oh, did I mention his trample will help guarantee your face gets smashed?
Eldrazi Displacer - Value. Helps by flickering certain creatures to trigger their ETB like Seige Rhino. Also stalls opponents by effing up their board. Only one for now, but working on acquiring more.
Restoration Angel - Another way to trigger additional ETB effects on creatures. Plus a solid flyer with a decent body to withstand bolts.
- Awesome ETB value from this guy. Plus a big dude to swing with mid-late game. Flicker him for extra value!
Sigarda, Host of Herons
- A great flyer that prevents me sacking my creatures. Yes please!
Abzan Charm - Great multi-tool. Most used mode is destroying target creature with toughness 3 or greater.
Dromoka's Command - Inexpensive, instant speed, and versatile tool for doing the things this deck needs: place a counter, removal, and protection. My only 2 copies are going in.
Abrupt Decay - Super efficient removal for only 2 mana. Only have 1 copy for now.
Thoughtseize - Just mess their shit UP. Gets rid of the best card in an opponent's hand as early as T1. Kinda not great for late game, though.
Archangel of Thune - She is my savior if I'm in trouble. Not only does she have evasion, but with ANY lifelink that triggers, she showers the field with counters to beef up dudes.
Bow of Nylea - The Swiss Army Knife for Green. This beauty has 4 tools that are all useful. Primarily, the counter ability.
Loxodon Smiter - for those discard matchups.
Warden of the First Tree
- The one-drop. Allows me to get a creature on the board for T1, and able to attack and possibly permanently pump to a 3/3 by T2. He is a good option for early, mid, and late game, as long as he sticks around (which, honestly, is never as long as I'd like). He can become a big threat that opponents will have to spent their 1-3 mana on, and I don't mind sinking my mana into him if I have nothing better to do with it.
Anafenza, the Foremost - Only one of for this legendary creature. A strong body for . Potentially able to swing by turn 3 (with ramp) and provides counters for a fortunate fellow attacking creature. Sideboarded to combat againgst graveyard shenanigans, but she is mostly counter to what we are going for here; no ETB, and we cant get our own creature back if they are exiled because of her. Plus, counters aren't critical, as the plan is to flicker them.