Sultai Manifest

Standard Osprey


Match ups —Feb. 16, 2015

Abzan - this deck will make an Abzan player cry. Not only do you have a lot of removal, but 7 of your creatures (including the hooded hydras) eat siege rhino. While you can also go much wider than them.

UB control - game 1 its very close, requires a lot of skill and a bit of luck. Ur best hope is to get a sagu mauler early and ride it to victory. game 2 it will swing in your favor, board in the negates and thoughtsieze, taking out some of the spot removal (not the charms, cause u want the card advantage). dont just fire off thoughtsieze willy nilly wait till you can use it to clear the way for a mauler. Then use the negates to stop the crux's from taking it down.

Whip - any kind of whip is a decent match up, not as favorable as Abzan but its fine. use those charms to take out the whips and sieges with those gone your late game is much better than theirs. game 2 you have some options. they run hornet queen, bring in the drowns and bile blight. Otherwise i like thoughtsieze and reality shift.

Jeskai/RW tokens - its already a good match up for you. take out the mentors or rable masters and you should be fine, you have a ton of removal to do it. Then nail a courser and quickly get out of reach. game 2 add in a few bile blights and drowns then go ham.

either ascendancy combo deck - sultai charm is key... again. I love that card. once the ascendancy is gone ur good. then board in some thoughtsiezes and you should be good.