

Inspiration credit to The Guildless and 11-02-15-krenko-madness decks with helpful descriptions.

At first glance this would appear to be a typical goblin token generation deck. Yes this deck creates goblin tokens, but there is much more to it than just a bunch of goblin tokens. This deck has been built with the main focus on being able to defeat multiple opponents without having to attack. In fact, this deck does better if it does not attack at all.

First, let us begin by looking at the Commander, Krenko, Mob Boss. Krenko’s ability is incredibly powerful. When Krenko, Mob Boss is tapped you put a 1/1 goblin token for each goblin you currently control. Being the commander of this deck let us take a closer look at this ability as most of the rest of the cards utilize this token generation.

If we start with only Krenko, Mob Boss (only 1 goblin) then when we use his ability we will end up with 2 goblins (Krenko and 1 token) after the first use of Krenko’s ability. Take a look at how powerful this ability can be, focusing on the number of times we use this ability:

  • 0 uses: 1 goblin (Krenko)
  • 1 use: 2 goblins
  • 2 uses: 4 goblins
  • 3 uses: 8 goblins
  • 4 uses: 16 goblins
  • 5 uses: 32 goblins
  • 6 uses: 64 goblins
  • 7 uses: 128 goblins

As you can see the goblins grow like you wouldn’t believe. And this is with starting with only Krenko, Mob Boss.

*Note: This assumes that no additional goblins have been added or removed in the process

So how can we leverage this goblin token generation to our advantage? I am glad you asked. The next few sections focus on utilizing Krenko’s ability. Later we will discuss other features of the deck that do not directly require Krenko.

Enter the Battlefield (ETB) Effects

There are several cards in this deck that create an affect whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your command. Therefore, each use of Krenko’s ability triggers these affects for each goblin token that enters the battlefield.

  • Damage: The following cards cause damage to a creature or player

    • Purphoros, God of the Forge: This is the most powerful card with this ability. For each creature that enters the battlefield under your control, Purphoros does 2 damage to each opponent. This means that just after the 4th use of Krenko’s ability we have nearly killed all opponent (based on starting health).
    • Impact Tremors (from Dragons of Tarkir): This enchantment is just like Purphoros except it only does 1 damage to each opponent when a creature enters the battlefield under your control.
    • Warstorm Surge: This enchantment is a mild version of Purphoros, God of the Forge in that it only damage to target creature of player. However, it does damage equal to the creature’s power that is entering the battlefield. As a 1/1 goblin token this isn’t much. We would need 5 uses of Krenko’s ability to achieve the same effect as Purphoros for 1 opponent. Despite this fact, this can get nasty with some of the buff affects that I will discuss later. Plus, this cards ability can be used to kill of creatures of your opponents that you cannot deal with using the goblin tokens.
  • Mill:

    • Altar of the Brood: This card is a mean one. Each permanent that enters the battlefield under your control causes each opponent to mill 1 card. This means that after 7 uses on Krenko’s ability you will have caused each opponent to mill more than is in their deck. And if an opponent had an ability part way to put their graveyard back into their library, then all uses beyond 8 would cause that opponent to mill more than their entire library each use.
  • Mana generation:
    • Mana Echoes: The affect cause by this enchantment can be activated when any creature enters the battlefield. The mana generated by this enchantment ramps faster than any of the other affects so far. When we activate Krenko’s ability for the 3rd time, 4 goblin tokens enter the battlefield at the same time. Since you currently control 4 goblin creatures, you gain 4 mana for each goblin token that enter the battlefield for a total of 16 mana. As you can see this can give you more mana than you could possibly use (until we talk about some of the cards later).

Leave the Battlefield (LTB) Effects

There are 2 cards that create an affect that causes 1 damage every time a creature leaves the battlefield.

*Note: Since I had to look up the official rules for myself I will share the short version. When token creatures die they go into the graveyard before they disappear.

  • Boggart Shenanigans: This affect only triggers when a goblin creature is put into a graveyard and only does damage to a target player.
  • Outpost Siege: When this card is played choose Dragons. Then whenever a creature leaves the battlefield (either by dying or being exiled or other affect) it causes 1 damage to target creature or player.

The most direct way to get creatures to leave the battlefield is to attack or block with them to get them killed. The other way to cause a creature to leave the battlefield is to sacrifice them which I talk about later.

Direct Damage

The following spells cause direct damage to a target creature or player based on the number of creatures or goblins you control:

  • Burn at the Stake: This might be the most powerful direct damage spell in this deck. After casting this card tap any number of untapped creatures, then this spell does 3 times the number of tapped creatures of damage to a target creature or player.
  • Goblin War Strike: An amazing 1 cast to do damage equal to the number of goblins you control to target player.
  • Mob Justice: A 2 cast to do damage equal to the number of creatures you control to target player.
  • Roar of the Crowd: Same as Goblin War Strike except it can target a creature or player.
  • Massive Raid: Same as Mob Justice except it can target a creature or player. Plus this is an instant which is nice to have in case a big creature gets through your lines can you cannot block it.

Now we come to our first real combo. We can increase any of these direct damage spells if we first cast Howl of the Horde since this spells allows us to copy the spell. We can make Howl of the Horde even more powerful if we first attack (even with 1 goblin token that dies). If we do that first we get to copy our spell a second time. Therefore we can do a lot of damage to 1, 2 or 3 different targets.


Brightstone Ritual takes advantage of all the goblin tokens on the battlefield and gives you 1 red mana for each goblin. This can be real handy to play the cards in your hand, or for some of the abilities of cards we have not yet discussed.

Powerful Creatures

Reckless One gets its power and toughness from the number of goblins in play. This means you can have a really big creature able to block other big creatures or do a lot of damage with 1 attack. Horde of Boggarts is even more powerful because it uses the number of red permanents under your control. This includes your goblin creatures, your enchantments, and your Mountains.

This is the end of the cards that directly take advantage of the pure quantity of the goblins and their generation. Now let us discuss how we can utilize Krenko, Mob Boss ’s ability more affectively.


The following list of cards can give Krenko haste so we can use his ability as soon as it enters the battlefield: Ring of Valkas, Swiftfoot Boots, Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Warchief, and Paragon of Fierce Defiance.

Doubled Ability

Illusionist's Bracers allows Krenko’s ability to trigger twice for 1 use of the ability.


The following list of artifacts allow us to untap Krenko after we have used his ability: Magewright's Stone, Staff of Domination, Sword of the Paruns, and Thornbite Staff.

Now that we have discussed how to leverage Krenko’s ability and make him more effective we need to make sure we protect him so he doesn’t get focused and killed before we can use him. The next sections will list the cards in the deck that will help prevent Krenko from leaving the battlefield.

Directed Spells and Abilities

These cards will give Krenko Shroud or Hexproof: General's Kabuto, Mask of Avacyn, Swiftfoot Boots, and Whispersilk Cloak

We also have Shunt for any spell directed at Krenko

Damage Prevention

These cards will give Krenko particular damage negation: General's Kabuto, Magebane Armor, and Shield of the Avatar


These cards will give Krenko Regeneration: Goblin Chirurgeon and The Brute


These cards increase Krenko’s toughness (and possibly power): Ensouled Scimitar, Gorgon Flail, Magebane Armor, Mask of Avacyn, Obelisk of Urd (can be cast for free if you have enough goblin tokens to tap), Pennon Blade, Ring of Valkas, Slagwurm Armor, Sword of the Paruns, Adaptive Automaton, Goblin Chieftain, Goblin King, and Paragon of Fierce Defiance

In the following sections I will group cards based off what they do. I will be keeping descriptions and discussions to a minimum.

Creature Sacrifice

Altar of Dementia, Ashnod's Altar, Carnage Altar, Goblin Chirurgeon, Siege-Gang Commander, Skirk Prospector, Tar Pitcher, and Goblin Bombardment

Mana Generation

Ashnod's Altar, Pristine Talisman, Skirk Prospector, Brightstone Ritual, and Mana Echoes

Decrease Card Cost

Ruby Medallion and Goblin Warchief

Life Gain

Basilisk Collar, Pristine Talisman, Staff of Domination, Trading Post, and Radiant Fountain

Card Draw

Carnage Altar, Infiltration Lens, Staff of Domination, and Trading Post


Basilisk Collar, Gorgon Flail, Gorgon's Head, and Quietus Spike

Non-spell Direct Damage

Thornbite Staff, Goblin Sharpshooter, Lightning Crafter, Lobber Crew, Siege-Gang Commander, Tar Pitcher, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, Five-Alarm Fire, and Goblin Bombardment

All Creature Enhancement

Obelisk of Urd, Adaptive Automaton, Bloodmark Mentor, Goblin Chieftain, Goblin King, Goblin Warchief, and Paragon of Fierce Defiance

Control Opponent Creatures/Permanents

Zealous Conscripts (this can be used to take over any permanent, including planeswalkers that are about to use their ultimate), Harness by Force, Mob Rule, and Portent of Betrayal

Utility Cards

Kusari-Gama, Trading Post, Bazaar Trader, Goblin Matron, and Goblin Welder

This section is used to discuss combos/synergies that aren’t obvious (i.e. Rogue's Passage). Some of the combos may have a particular prerequisite for the combo to work. I will format these combos with their prerequisite before the combo. Many of these combos pair with some of the other combo sections or with multiple cards that serve the same purpose (i.e. any creature or any equipment with deathtouch). When this is the case I will pick only 1 card or card combination to use for the new combos even though there might be other cards that can also perform the combo.

Infinite Combos

Token Generation

For mana generation use either Skirk Prospector or Mana Echoes

ETB/LTB Effects

Mana Generation

Can use the same combo as Token Generation to create infinite mana.

You can also use the ETB/LTB Effects combos and replace Skirk Prospector with Mana Echoes.

Life Gain

Card Draw

Creature Tapping



Creature Destruction

Control Target

Non-infinite Combos

Creature Destruction

Control Target


  • Attack with token: Lobber Crew + Quietus Spike (Not sure if this combo will actually work. If you know please leave a comment if I need to correct this)

Closing Thoughts

At the time of this deck’s creation this deck only costs $90. I was looking to keep this deck as cheap as I can and slowly add to it as time goes on, and as improvements are found.

With a CMC of 2.87 this allows the deck to get things out and start causing havoc very quickly. This can lead to opponent frustration if they are focusing on big, expensive creatures or if they have to focus fire. Plus, with all the token generation it will add to the frustration of trying to get through the tokens.

As I start playing this deck and getting a handle on it I am planning on putting Cavern of Souls, Miren, the Moaning Well, and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx into the mix. However, at the time of this deck creation, these 3 cards cost $33. This is just over 1/3 of the price of the rest of the deck.

I hope this description has inspired you with your own decks, or to try out something new.

Any feedback to help improve this deck and make it better is greatly appreciated.

*Note: I plan to add Impact Tremors to the deck once Dragons of Tarkir comes out, and the card gets put on Tapped out


Updates Add

After a few playtests I came to realize that I was heavily under mana. I took out several cards that I felt I could afford to remove and added several more lands. I have still kept the deck around $90, but I need to go through the description and possibly update some of the cards that are listed.

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