Thank you very much for your comment, I can't figure out how to get the deck on to deck-stream or something. I think Thunderous Wrath might be a bit inconsistent, so I'll try running 2 instead of 4 and put in one of your suggestions. Harvest Pyre kinda sucks with card:Chandra's Phoenix and Archwing Dragon , but it's a cheap card, so I have no protests to giving it a try. Do you think Gut Shot might work? Should I have one card:Red Sun's Zenith for the end game or if I'm mana flooded? Again, thank you for your input, your critiques really helped. Now I only have to win with a burn deck in standard!
August 9, 2012 1:25 a.m.
Took out 2x Thunderous Wrath , 1x Faithless Looting , and 1x Archwing Dragon for 4x Shrine of Burning Rage . I have no idea what to take out for Stromkirk Noble . He seems kinda pointless if you run less than 4 of him, and there are only so many spots for non-burn cards. Leave a comment!
August 9, 2012 1:33 a.m.
Another thing I didn't think of before is to definitely replace the Flames of the Firebrand with Whipflare . It's slagstormy and really helps limit aggressive white decks. Instead of Searing Spear maybe try Volt Charge to up those shrine counters more? And I do agree that a card:Red Sun's Zenith or a card:Devil's Play can be another good endgame finisher.
August 9, 2012 2:55 a.m.
Thanks again for your comment. Whipflare would probably be nice. I just like Searing Spear because it's in M13. I think that Volt Charge costs to much, (mana-wise), but it's a lot better with Shrine and Stromkirk Noble . Thank you for your suggestions.
August 9, 2012 5:01 p.m.
DarthTrevyn says... #6
I'm digging it! I would like to say that Brimstone Volley for me works best when I run Goblin Arsonist and chump block someone or with Furnace Scamp ! :D I found the HUGE potential in Stromkirk Noble the other night against 2 human decks! I was swinging for 5 in no time! ...then... Fling FTW!
August 15, 2012 2:29 a.m.
Awesome!! Right now Brimstone Volley works with things like card:Chandra's Phoenix, which is just brought back, and Vexing Devil , which is often sacrificed. Stromkirk Noble is going in the main-deck, and some are going in the side-board. Thanks!
August 15, 2012 12:49 p.m.
Nasty_Nate says... #8
My favorite combo for mono red burn currently is Goblin Arsonist + Goblin Grenade + Reverberate or Increasing Vengeance
August 15, 2012 2:11 p.m.
Yeah, except for the fact that I'm not running any goblins. I'm not a fan of copying spells, despite it being powerful. I would rather just have more burn. But yeah, if you do get that combo it's hard to beat.
August 15, 2012 5:31 p.m.
timothy130130 says... #11
please update this deck to say modern. M13, Inastrad, and New Phyrinixa are no longer standard. Thank you!
November 30, 2013 6:28 p.m.
RagingJackel says... #12
This is the best burn deck I've seen in awhile, and it's not too expensive either! I plan on building it very soon
February 18, 2014 5:18 p.m.
SefTheReject says... #14
Nice little deck you put together. Have you thought about Vexing Devil and or guttersnipe? Goblin guide is a pointless card in my opinion. Not in your deck specifically, just in general
May 6, 2016 1:34 a.m.
MegaMetagross says... #17
Andythom97: he probably tailored his sideboard to combat his local meta. if theres a handful of affinity players at his LGS, the artifact removal makes perfect sense.
May 11, 2018 1:06 p.m.
BurningFields says... #19
Why why why are people putting Eidelon of the Great Revel in burn decks? It says that when ANY player casts a spell of converted mana cost 3 or less, it deals 2 damage to that player. You have 4 of them. And all 40 of your spells are 3 drops and below. How does it make sense? I'm not trying to be rude, I just dont understand.
April 6, 2020 5:19 p.m.
Well burning fields we are talking about modern. Over 90 percent of all played modern cards are 3 CMC or less. So against most decks it is at least 2 damage unless countered. It is a body and it can do more damage if not dealt with right away. It is best on the play when you cast goblin guide turn 1 and eidolon turn 2. In this case you are ahead and will likely win against most decks. Also if we want to play cards then swing with eidolon first and try to get him killed. You can play instants after using him as a blocker. Against the few decks that avoid low CMC we side board him out. Its also effective to blow all 1cmc burn spells before casting eidolon in an attempt to mitigate self damage and to get the lead required to be successful with eidolons in play.
April 7, 2020 5:19 p.m.
BurningFields says... #21
Okay, that makes a little more sense now. Thank you for your explanation. Personally, I wouldn't use it, but thank you.
krotash says... #1
It may seem unusual but a singleton Harvest Pyre could do a ton of damage seeing that you have no graveyard recursion. It makes every burn spell give you and extra damage and can be an easy game finisher. Also, I think Stromkirk Noble might have a place in here. Depending on your meta (and the amount of human decks) he can do some significant damage. He's also another 1 drop. I also strongly suggest 4x Shrine of Burning Rage until it cycles. The damage output of it combined with a burn deck makes people cry. And since the majority of your burns are instants, you can always leave mana open to respond to any possible artifact hate, and if none occurs you can burn them.
August 2, 2012 11:15 p.m.