Modern UrbanAnathema

SCORE: 630 | 587 COMMENTS | 100278 VIEWS | IN 289 FOLDERS

megawurmple says... #17

Looking at this deck as it is now, I like how it looks compared with how it was when I first saw it. It seems more consistent and the combo is harder to disrupt. I playtested it against my Jund deck and it narrowly lost 2-1 (in spite of the stupid amount of disruption in my deck) due to seeing nothing but land from turn 5 onwards in game 3. Had it drawn a Freed from the Real or a Perplex , it would have won. Keep up the good work!

December 24, 2013 9:17 a.m.

Elliote50 says... #23

Nice deck! brilliant actually. infinite combos are kind of cheap, but kudos for thinking them up. Seems like a really fun deck.

January 4, 2014 10:04 p.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #24

Elliote50 Thanks for the kind words. It really is a blast to play. Making a 5 color deck that was competitive requires a powerful combo that can provide infinite mana in all five colors. The deck doesn't need the combo to win but in order for it to be truly competitive it needs to have quick access to large amounts of mana in all five colors. This was the best way to do it! Originally the deck revolved around Omniscience and Enter the Infinite but adding Freed from the Real instead made it much more consistent, and of course, tutorable.

steve21 I'm pretty happy with the manabase. Overgrown Tomb makes another shockland that I am hesitant to run. Woodland Cemetery provides the same benefit and most of the time is able to enter the field untapped.

January 5, 2014 11:49 a.m.

ANEURYSM says... #25

I playtested the deck 6 times. Never got the combo off, I played till about turn 8 each time. I like the deck, but I totally believe you need to run shocklands because my manabase was very bad each time I played. I believe Dauntless Escort should probably go in sideboard, and you should playset Birds of Paradise or run more Overgrown Battlement or Sylvan Caryatid . Birds will fix your mana base very well from the beginning. Maybe add some card draw to get the combo off quicker too. Either way, kool deck man.

January 5, 2014 5:08 p.m.

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