Something From Nothing

Commander / EDH RicketyEng


You can also do Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth for another option and pay the initial two mana in the beginning.

July 23, 2015 1:13 p.m.

RicketyEng says... #2

I do plan on eventually including Rings of Brighthearth but that will depend mostly on finding it, and its cost. I believe it only works with Basalt Monolith if you copy the untap ability though, correct? The tap ability is a mana ability which the rings can't copy.

July 23, 2015 2 p.m.

It is copying the untap ability, and as a interrupt to the second untap ability occurring you tap basalt monolith. There are a few other cards that make this deck awesome, and the only other one that cost a decent amount of money is Mycosynth Lattice.

July 23, 2015 2:33 p.m.

Megalomania says... #5

I am not familiar with how breya decks run but if you're looking to make this into a stax deck/slow the pace of the game, cards like Trinisphere, Chalice of the Void, Blood Moon, Winter Orb and Static Orb might help. To mitigate the drawbacks, you can use Paradox Engine and Outpost Siege.

Also, cards like Mana Cache and Mana Barbs add more difficulty in case the artifact stax pieces aren't enough.

January 17, 2017 4:12 a.m.

RicketyEng says... #6

Thanks for the suggestions. I've made note of a few of them.

In other news, Aether Revolt had some nice goodies which I just had to try out in here. To make them fit I needed to go to the next step of moving away from using Feldon interactions as a subtheme.

Out: Tyrant's Familiar, Bogardan Hellkite, Hoard-Smelter Dragon, Cathodion, Culling Dais, Feldon of the Third Path, Spitebellows, Ruby Medallion, and a Mountain.

In: Planar Bridge, Aetherworks Marvel, Scrap Trawler, Platinum Angel, Cogwork Assembler, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Rings of Brighthearth, Defense Grid, and Throne of Geth.

January 29, 2017 3:52 a.m.

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