Azorius Senate

Casual Cadois


lil_cheez says... #1


January 27, 2013 5:59 p.m.

MikaHylian says... #2

I don't think you should change anything in this deck since it works so well, but Infinite Reflection is really nice... But I wouldn't play against this deck anymore after this. Is so unfair! Maybe when my Dimir deck is better we can have a even duel, but until there this still one of your best decks... And I guess... The one that annoys me the most. xD

February 3, 2013 2:42 a.m.

Cadois says... #3

There's nothing unfair about this deck. It's my most playable deck, and it's just guild based. If people stop playing for such low reasons, who would stop playing is me. :/

But against Dimir, I would never use this one. I would prefer to use my humans, because there's not much importance in what I'll discard from the top of my grimory there.

February 3, 2013 11:04 a.m.

MikaHylian says... #4

But you would detain a hell lot of cratures at once. Would be too absurde... Would detain even more creatures at once, that would be a little boring unless the creature was destroyed, but it still a half blue deck with anulls and this kind of stuff. Is a OP deck. u3u

February 3, 2013 11:53 a.m.

Cadois says... #5

With annuls you meant counters. xD

But it's still pretty normal, it's not even close to OP... Just a well-made control. "

February 3, 2013 11:58 a.m.

MikaHylian says... #6

Control is mean like that, it kinda make me get tired of the game when it's a duel. It's boring because it's hard to have more than 5 creatures in the field so every creature will be detained. It's sad and boring.

February 3, 2013 12:06 p.m.

Cadois says... #7

It's cool and fair, if you have 5 creatures to attack, I don't wanna get attacked by none of them! xD

February 3, 2013 12:37 p.m.

MikaHylian says... #8

No, it's not fair! That way you can attack me while I'll be powerless, and you know that in my angels deck getting more than 5 creatures is a miracle, and if I do at least 3 are not angels and make no difference being detained or not. Is not fair ;-;

February 3, 2013 9:23 p.m.

Cadois says... #9

Divinity isn't above the law. u_u

February 3, 2013 9:51 p.m.

MikaHylian says... #10

My angels are above the law, and when I get my hexproof spells you'll swallow your damn law. u_u

February 3, 2013 10 p.m.

Cadois says... #11

Or just counter it. :)

Atheist even in Magic

February 3, 2013 10:31 p.m.

CW says... #12

I think Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV could be a fun way to be an ass in casual.

February 4, 2013 2:57 p.m.

Cadois says... #13

I already use Grand Arbiter, but Thalia, Guardian of Thraben would be really bad for me to, there's a lot of noncreature spells in this deck, and only one Grand Arbiter. Thanks for the suggestion, anyway.

February 18, 2013 4:43 p.m.

UmbraIgnotum says... #14

Okay... I do not know what you would choose to pull, but you need to put some flickering in here. @_@

Do you know how good it feels to Stonehorn Dignitary into Conjurer's Closet ??? It is amazing to lockdown your opponent that thoroughly. :-D

As well, Cloudshift & Ghostly Flicker can do the trick.

I do not know how you feel about planeswalkers, but Venser, the Sojourner feels amazing in my Azorius deck.

Maybe you can look at mine and get some ideas. :-) Flickering Lawmages V2

July 18, 2013 10:57 a.m.

I like what I'm looking at, so it works good for you? I've been trying to make a deck like this myself. I would've added more Lyev Skyknight in place of Azorius Arrester but thats just me.

September 29, 2013 11:55 a.m.

lil_cheez says... #16

Counterspell makes this deck modern-illegal, I think you should know :)

September 30, 2013 7:42 p.m.

Cadois says... #17

GlennGoldenrod It works perfectly to me, I was using 3 Lyevs, 3 Arresters and 3 Justicars, but when trying to reduce the deck size to 65 to 60, I ended up removing one of each, so this is still in test phase.

But I think it's one of my three decks that almost never fail, together with my slivers and my green deck. o/

lil_cheez I know, and you know that we don't play any kind of format competition or tournament. Just replaced my old Rewind with the Jace vs.Chandra Counterspell. o/

October 3, 2013 11:30 a.m.

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