Maybe I don't Fully understand what Dredge is then. lol. I'm referring to filling my graveyard via a few cards.
June 15, 2014 6:35 a.m.
Ah I see. Dredge is a keyword from Ravnica block that spawned a very successful deck archetype of the same name. I guess in your case, you could just call it reanimation?
June 15, 2014 6:39 a.m.
The scry lands are cool, but having too many of them will really screw up your tempo, so you'll need to watch out for that. Right now you only have 5 lands that don't come into play tapped.
if your budget can support it, the Ravnica dual lands like Breeding Pool could help out here.
June 15, 2014 6:43 a.m.
Right on, I'll change that up. What you think about the deck though?
June 15, 2014 6:43 a.m.
The only reason I'm shying away from shock lands is due to rotation, But I think I do need to seriously adjust my mana base.
June 15, 2014 6:45 a.m.
I like it, it reminds me a bit of the old enchantress decks.
At first I didn't really see the value of whip of erebos in here since none of the creatures are really big hitters. But with Eidolon of Blossoms out, you'll get some nice card advantage whenever an enchantment creature is reanimated this way.
I haven't been playing in the current standard so I'm not all that qualified to give other suggestions other than adjusting the manabase since it is 4 colors. But yeah, with rotation coming up I guess we'll just have to see what they give us in M15 and the next set...
June 15, 2014 7:25 p.m.
@ Letum You're entire deck is open to not only Supreme Verdict
but also Anger of the Gods
Recommended for Sideboard:
4x Golgari Charm , 3x Pithing Needle , 3-4x Doom Blade .
For the sideboard add four Golgari Charm at least until Supreme Verdict rotates out this fall. Golgari Charm also saves them from being exiled by Anger of the Gods . My understanding is your creature would have to take lethal damage twice and the first time it takes lethal it doesn't technically "die".
As far as adding creatures to stop anger of the gods your only saving grace is to flash in Boon Satyr and save one creature with Strength of the Fallen .
Another problem for your deck is going to be Polis Crusher in conjunction with any of the following: Ghor-Clan Rampager , Giant Growth , Xenagos, God of Revels , Hammer of Purphoros . The Hero's Downfall is great but the sorcery speed really hurts.
One thing you're deck "can't" do is reliably kill an AEtherling which is big in the Supreme Verdict meta. Unfortunately the only real way to deal with it via a single card is not in your colors (a preemptive turn 4 Slaughter Games ) so you'll want to sideboard a couple of Pithing Needle or risk not having the Mana Confluence to cast Slaughter Games . Not only that but because your lands sometimes enter tapped and you have no ramp even if you go first it's very unlikely you'll be able to cast Slaughter Games before they board wipe. : ( Only 1-3 pithing needle would be needed because decks that play AEtherling are usually control decks. They won't cast aetherling until you've run out of creatures to cast which for your deck will take quite awhile!
Lastly when your playing against mono black and they are casting kill spells early instead of Underworld Connections it's a sure sign that they can and will use Bile Blight the moment you have two Courser of Kruphix or Eidolon of Blossoms on the field so make sure to put the bonus from your enchantment's constellation trigger onto them to protect them.
it may sound like i'm harping a lot but I just want to share my lessons from getting my butt kicked IQ the first few times this year.
June 16, 2014 2:07 a.m. THIS is what makes it tick
yobonyo says... #1
Did you change your decklist since making the description? I don't see any dredge cards in here
June 15, 2014 6:30 a.m.