Mono Blue Tron

Modern ThePsychoVerse


Grifiron says... #1

Hi there! I've just picked up mono blue tron myself and trying to tweek it more to fit my meta. Just wondering about the 4x Repeal over the set of remands. Is it a meta call where you have a lot of early threats that resolve that you would rather bounce back or is it for budget reasons? Also what are your thoughts on solemn simulacrum because I've opted to play a set of thought-knot seer's and cut them out because the meta at my store is very combo heavy. I'm still trying to learn the deck myself so I would like to know the reasoning behind some of your MB/SB choices

July 26, 2016 4:40 p.m.

Grifiron says... #2

If you could take a look at my list and give me some feedback, I'd truly appreciate it!

July 26, 2016 4:53 p.m.

ThePsychoVerse says... #3

Repeal over Remand is a meta call, yes. The meta where I play is very aggro heavy, and repeal is just generally better as a tempo play against such decks. In the testing I've done, Solemn Simulacrum and Thought-Knot Seer are better in different situations. Solemn Simulacrum is better when you need to be able to get to a point where you can stabilize as it serves as ramp and a creature that can stay back on defense. Thought-Knot Seer is amazing when it's good and awful when it's bad, to put it simply. Against combo-oriented and control decks it can swing the game in your favor, but against aggro decks that don't have a hand for very long it's basically a 4/4 with a potential downside.

July 26, 2016 6:58 p.m.

Grifiron says... #4

How is your agro matchup? I know the matchup is pretty dismal so I was thinking that since your meta is so agro heavy, wouldnt snap caster make a good addition to the MB since it acts as a body that you can flash in and can possibly get back a repeal when you need it? Also for the SB maybe cyclonic rift instead of aetherize/aetherspout?

July 27, 2016 12:06 a.m.

ThePsychoVerse says... #5

My aggro matchup generally isn't too bad after sideboarding. Merfolk is almost unwinnable, but beyond that I haven't been having too bad of a time in testing. Playing the tempo game until you can clear the board or drop a Wurmcoil to stabilize has been enough to pick up same games before boarding, and two thirds of my sideboard is dedicated to improving the matchup post-board. Not playing Snapcaster is for budget reasons, but it definitely belongs in the optimal build in place of one of the Treasure Mages. AEtherize and AEtherspouts have been much better than Cyclonic Rift against aggro decks. They both cost less than Rift's overload cost and AEtherspouts returns things to the library, which is really important against something like affinity that can replay their hand in a turn or two. From my experience Cyclonic Rift is like a more flexible Repeal that doesn't cycle, I'm not sure I ever payed Overload more than twice when it was in the list and the flexibility doesn't come up enough to be worth losing cycling in an aggressive meta.

July 27, 2016 8:46 p.m.

Grifiron says... #6

Hey buddy, glad to see you're still kickin it with good ol U tron. Just wanted to get an opinion on elder deep-fiend with a couple of solemn simulacrum. All that added value while keeping a tempo play ready on their turn

September 8, 2016 9:30 p.m.

ThePsychoVerse says... #7

Yeah, U-tron is the best! :D I haven't tested it, but I'm not sure it really has a place in a more traditional build. Part of the potential problem I can think of is that you will be hard-casting it some portion of the time. At that point the tempo play is cute and can save you a turn, but I don't think it really stacks up against other threats we could cast at that point. It doesn't really help bad matchups, it's at that point on the curve where a super aggressive deck will be running us over and U-tron generally doesn't need any help against more mid-rangey and controlling decks. That being said, I've thought about toying around with Coax from the Blind Eternities, less focused on artifact synergy and running cards like Newlamog and All is Dust in the side to fetch with it. If a Coax build has any legs, Elder Deep-Fiend seems like it would be a pretty awesome addition. If you really wanna get crazy you could try running Matter Reshapers and going with more of a mono blue eldratron build. I probably won't do any real testing, but if you want to really utilize Elder Deep-Fiend that seems like it would be the way to do it.

September 9, 2016 2:36 a.m.

Grifiron says... #8

Sup buddy! Yeah the rationale behind the Hangarback walker can be said for platinum angel but at any point in the game he can come out huge then get bigger and you have a small mana dump if you opponent is not being interactive mid to late game. The card is very durable in a sense that it'll always be a problem if unchecked and when they manage to kill it, fetch it back with academy ruins. With endbringer, when it dies it stays dead and with U tron, we want to bring the VALUE ;)!!!!

November 21, 2016 8:23 a.m.

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