
Do you like playing with two hands (graveyard) and getting free spells?

I built this, because I love graveyard decks, but also wanted to try 4 colors and playing with cascade. It feels very nice getting a free Ancestral Visions (Gravecrawler becomes Ancestral Recall!) or Lotus Petal off of any 1-drop. It is also nice cascading a combo piece into an additional combo piece.

I was looking at a new graveyard commander to play and found a few Yidris dredge decks on EDHrec and decided it looked fun. I previously enjoyed playing Yidris with a lot of Emerge and Delve cards. This would probably be better as a Gitrog, Sidisi, or Hogaak deck, but it is currently my favorite EDH deck to play.

I definitely recommend trying Yidris in whatever archetype sounds fun, because free spells always feel good (except free X spells, or unplanned/unwanted wrath effects). Every card is better when you staple cascade to it.


Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis + Korozda Guildmage + Phyrexian Altar Infinite tokens and mana.

Hermit Druid + Kozilek, Butcher of Truth + Syr Konrad, the Grim Ping table for all creatures entering and leaving graveyard (29 in deck).

Bridge from Below + Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar Infinite zombie tokens and mana.

Desecrated Tomb + Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar Infinite bat tokens and mana if another zombie is on the battlefield.

Dakmor Salvage + Putrid Imp + The Gitrog Monster Draw library and win with infinite mana from Lotus Petal followed by another infinite combo, Thassa's Oracle, or Kolaghan's Command.

Basalt Monolith + Mesmeric Orb + Syr Konrad, the Grim Infinite ping with Kozilek shuffle.

Basalt Monolith + Mesmeric Orb + Sidisi, Brood Tyrant Infinite tokens with Kozilek shuffle.

Basalt Monolith + Mesmeric Orb + Thassa's Oracle Mill til only Gaea's Blessing and Kozilek remain in library, then win from Thassa's Oracle trigger.


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