
What does everyone need to play spells? Land. This deck focuses on disrupting its opponent's capability to play--and keep--his or her land. Ideally, this deck goes first and plays any land that enters untapped and produces green mana--Forest or Razorverge Thicket for instance--followed by Noble Hierarch or Birds of Paradise. Next would come a Leonin Arbiter cast with mana produced by the 1-drop and the land from before. Then, the land for the turn would come as a Ghost Quarter, immediately destroying the opponent's first land. I have considered running manlands to help finish my crippled enemies, but entering the battlefield tapped can devastate a draw that would otherwise perform seamlessly. Vryn Wingmare helps end the game, but I would love some suggestions that can help push the deck towards a victory rather than just making your opponents cry for a turn or two. The sideboard also needs extensive work. With moderate success, I have played a Bant version of the Thalia duo deck. Instead of the Ghost Quarter + Leonin Arbiter combo, it relied upon a tempo build with creatures like Spell Queller and Reflector Mage to simultaneously disrupt the opponents and drop threats. This deck (IRS) seems to have a lower capacity to consistently shut down the mid-game but can cause significant devastation early in the match. Should I splash blue for the cards mentioned above?


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

32 - 12 Rares

20 - 3 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.81
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