But it's a blue deck?
Welcome to my Mono-Blue delver deck, that I am currently building, slowly but surly. At first glance it seems a bit awkward with counter spells and bounce spells you're probably wondering what is my solid win condition, am I right?
Well in a way you are. I don't have a solid one, but neither will my opponents.
Boomerang/Eye of Nowhere- Nothing better than bouncing a shock land or a strong Raging Ravine. Eye of Nowhere is a very weak alternative to Boomerang as the sorcery speed sets great limitations but over all it is still pretty great. Not to mention it can bounce any thing. Pesky creature? Pesky Enchantment? Pesky artifact? Not till next turn! Overall a strong addition.
Remand, Mana Leak, Disrupting Shoal, and Cryptic Command these are our counter spells. With a strong lack of spot removal and removal this is the best we have. These are extremely relevant early game and then become relevant late game too (not so much Remand. Just stall out, your creatures will put a clock on your opponents anyway.
Remand, Serum Visions, and Sleight of Hand (sometimes Cryptic Command) These are our draw cards and can thin the deck as I'm to poor to afford fetches (but this is a 600$ deck, I know but I don't want to spend anymore money than I have too).
Mutavault, Delver of Secrets, Phantasmal Bear, Snapcaster Mage, Ninja of the Deep Hours, and a singular Phantasmal Dragon. These are our beaters. Chances are they won't have much on their side as you will bonce their lands and counter spells, unless they are running vial, that is this decks weakness. You're probably Pondering why I have Phantasmal Dragon. Well I found that my creatures were not doing enough damage to overwhelm the opponent. This does the trick. Sure it takes up your turn 4 but it puts a rough clock on an opponents. Snapcaster Mage is great to flash in turn four after you have a Boomerang in your graveyard for continued Bounce. Mutavault This thing is wonderful, survives (most) wipes and then can be used as a land or a beater. Ninja of the Deep Hours can draw you cards and be cheated out pretty early.
Hibernation Against green decks that have been popping up at my store sometimes, and against some meta match ups that run green.
Echoing Truth We don't like twin, we don't like tokens.
Relic of Progenitus Graveyard hate.
Spell Snare- Replaces Mana Leak most times. Great card.
I'm to tired of typing right now so I'll finish later, maybe. Anyway please upvote, comment, give advice. Thank you.