Hey guys should i take out Heart of Kiran for Winding Constrictor CRuD3L1S and Hyperalgialysis
January 22, 2017 4:24 p.m.
I think heart is made for this deck. If anything i might drop the constrictors all together and throw an additional heart and fill out the servo exhibition set to stay wide, then have the constrictors come in off the sideboard for extra juice against other go wide strategies. I may be wrong, but with the consistent planeswalker threat, heart really sets it off
January 22, 2017 11:08 p.m.
Alright thanks dude i was wanting a little bit of advice on this deck and i thought constrictor would have been a little better
January 22, 2017 11:28 p.m.
Cool deck! I love token builds. I don't love Nissa's Judgment. If you are looking for removal, Monstrous Onslaught would probably be better (especially with a flipped Hanweir Militia Captain Flip). Even Declaration in Stone would be preferable when it comes to sorcery speed removal in my opinion. Or you could switch out Nissa's Judgment for Sram's Expertise. That card is great. 3 servos to fuel your Hanweir Militia Captain Flip and your Oviya. Plus it's second ability can cast a large majority of your deck for free (I wonder if it could cast Gideon with an Oath of Ajani out??). I hope this helps and happy brewing!
February 22, 2017 4:33 p.m.
Thanks Cragon18 it helps a lot I might change it seeing as how Monstrous Onslaught and Nissa's Judgment cost the same and what would you think about Sram's Expertise for Servo Exhibition
February 22, 2017 8:19 p.m.
Alright Cragon18, CRuD3L1S, lemufnnman, and Hyperalgialysis what do you think of the new card that doubles tokens should I put it in this deck Anointed Procession
April 13, 2017 11:07 p.m.
Hyperalgialysis says... #8
Try it. Always try it. You might see that it works well. If it sucks take it out. Regardless you should always tinker with new stuff to see if it helps. If you see yourself having the card and wishing it was something else all the time take it back out
April 14, 2017 3:27 a.m.
I agree with Hyperalgialysis. You should definite try it out. My initial thought is that it will likely slow you down more than you would like, as you will have to take a turn off to cast it and then wait a turn to start seeing results. It is a functional reprint of Parallel Lives, which from what I understand never saw a ton of Standard play, but is a Commander all star so there's that. Best of luck and happy brewing with the new set!
April 14, 2017 9:06 a.m.
Whiskerbro says... #11
Monstrous Onslaught looks absolutely horrific in this deck. Not really understanding why you're running that, considering you're doing a go-wide strategy with lots of small, individually weak tokens. I would definitely consider placing those with some Cast Outs, all purpose removal that can hit planeswalkers, vehicles, and creatures. Also, while I do like Anointed Procession, I feel it might be a little too slow for mainboard, although that might not be accurate.
April 29, 2017 10:54 p.m.
Oni_Link197 says... #13
I love the title of this deck. Sorry. I don't have any feedback. I stopped playing 60 card decks years ago.
April 29, 2017 10:58 p.m.
Whiskerbro says... #14
Oh, and perhaps Cryptolith Rite? Maybe just a few in the sideboard for ramping out those Ulamogs?
April 29, 2017 11 p.m.
Alright Whiskerbro the reason I'm running Monstrous Onslaught is for Hanweir Militia Captain Flip but I thank you for the suggestions I just don't know what to add right now I'm gonna try Anointed Procession
April 30, 2017 12:58 a.m.
Whiskerbro says... #16
Right, but you want your removal to be always effective, not just if you happen to have a singular card in your deck. Cause most of the time you cast onslaught, you realistically will not have any Hanweir Militia Captain Flips and it will be an almost dead card.
April 30, 2017 1:16 a.m.
I understand but it's meant for heavy and late game removal
April 30, 2017 10:19 a.m.
It should be noted that Servo Exhibition doesn't stack with Anointed Procession since it's a spell and not an effect.
April 30, 2017 2:25 p.m.
RubyStrings says... #22
Servo exhibition definitely works with Procession, don't worry about that. An effect is anything that happens when a spell or ability resolves.
I would recommend Archangel Avacyn Flip. There are quite a few board clears running about. That being said, I run 2 Fumigate in the main and one in the side. Aggro strategies are quite good, and fumigate will take care of everything but Gods. You can rebuild your board presence far easier than most other decks, so killing your own creatures won't really matter too much. Plus, late game dropping Avacyn into Fumigate is a real back breaker.
More good side options include Manglehorn against vehicles, Prowling Serpopard against blue control strategies, and Tireless Tracker against grindy late game matches. Hope this was helpful.
Side note: I've found oath of Ajani to be pretty lacking. I far prefer the card advantage from oath of nissa, but this is personal, so whatever works for you.
May 1, 2017 10:01 a.m. Edited.
Alright RubyStrings what would you take out for Archangel Avacyn Flip and Fumigate
May 1, 2017 12:29 p.m.
RubyStrings says... #24
Well Monstrous Onslaught and Collective Effort will only really have any good power if you already have lots of creatures on the field, which is what your opponent will be trying to keep from happening. So I would cut those for 2x Fumigate and 3x Archangel Avacyn Flip. Also, Oviya Pashiri is going to be really slow, and not really the kind of thing you want to put your mana into until very late in the game. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Rishkar, Peema Renegade are bigger immediate threats and help deter aggro. Rishkar is also good for ramp if you switch gears to your ramp strategy. On that note, Attune with Aether is better than Ruin in Their Wake here since you don't use Wastes.
May 2, 2017 6:06 p.m.
vexingozar says... #25
cool deck! try Exemplar of Strength. It is a human so it has synergy with Thalia's Lieutenant and you make enough tokens to be able to dump the -1/-1 counters easly while getting 4/4 for 1G. you can even dump them on t1 Thraben Inspector. I use it like that in my other counters deck - have a look.
Pdemi559 says... #1
Well thank you dude and thanks for the comment man it helps a lot
January 20, 2017 12:36 p.m.