
Lord Windgrace- prototype cEDH

I'm working on designing a cEDH version, or very competitive build for Lord Windgrace. Our deck features a suite of interaction to limit our opponents from winning and strives to out value other decks at the table to ramp into a kill spell. Well also have a variety of stax pieces to slowdown our opponents profession. As of right now the deck has been finished for a little while and has undergone a lot of play testing. Several changes have been made to the list and have made quite a difference in the decks performance.

Any and all suggestions and comments are welcome!

(The categories below are a work in progress)

Our decklist offers a varied suite of interaction that is primarily focused around instant speed removal, as well as providing two red counters to help our spells resolve or prevent somebody from defending their own combo.

Abrupt Decay

Assassin's Trophy

Beast Within


Red Elemental Blast

Windgrace's Judgment- try not to hate too much on this card, it has proven to be pretty useful

Pernicious Deed- is something that you should always threaten, it forces our opponents to play more cautiously something we want early game to let us build up.

Cut / Ribbons- don’t be afraid to use this card to bolt someone’s creature. We need it in our graveyard anyway, and I wouldn’t worry to much about your opponents knowing it’s in your graveyard.

In this category I’m going to mention some of our board wipes, or some cards I’ve slotted to mess with our opponents fields.

Obliterate- this card is often game winning for us. We can usually return the lands from our graveyard and can ramp some lands back better than most other decks. However when played with World Shaper on the battlefield we return all our lands destroyed by obliterate back to the field, which is extremely devastating for our opponents. I should also mention that is doesn’t destroy Windgrace if he’s on the field.

Jokulhaups- essentially does the same thing as obliterate except it can be countered.

Pernicious Deed- this card can be counted as an instant speed board wipe if needed.

Pox- to be honest I slotted this card into the deck because I love how annoying it is. We don’t care about our lands and usually aren’t too concerned about our creatures, life isn’t a concern, and more often than not we use our hands up decently quick which we refill with Windgrace so discarding doesn’t really hurt us, and may actually help us by putting lands from our hand into the graveyard. While for our opponents, let’s just say they’ll be bamboozled.


Here I will explain our expected win conditions in our decklist.

  1. Our first main win condition that we hope to resolve is an X spell that drains our opponents life totals. These can be found in the form of Exsanguinate, Cut / Ribbons, and one of my personal favorites Torment of Hailfire. To accomplish winning the game with these spells what we want to do is generate massive amounts of mana, or at least enough that make it unrecoverable after we move to combat with our board state. To do this our main goal of the deck is to ramp lands out. Getting lands out is easy, but what we ideally want is to have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers on the field to net us massive amounts of mana. card:Thespian stage can also be used to make a copy of cabal coffers for even more mana and Gaea's Cradle can be helpful with a lot of tokens out. Boseiju, Who Shelters All is a crucial land to have put to help ensure our game winning spells can’t be countered. In addition to these lands we are also running Squandered Resources which will pretty much effectively double our mana. I would only get greedy with this card if we have our protection spells in our hand (two red counters) or have a way to return our lands from the graveyard to the battlefield. Exsanguinate is pretty straightforward, just drain your opponents. Cut / Ribbons is an interesting card that we want to cast for its aftermath cost which is essentially almost the same thing as Exsanguinate, this is just a little more risky in the event that our opponents are exiling our yard because the Cut has to resolve before we can cast Ribbons. Torment of Hailfire is my favorite, even if it doesn't kill your opponents it drains their will to want to play anymore.

  2. Another way to win, although a little more luck based, is Genesis Wave. It doesn't necessarily drain your opponents but if you resolve this spell for like 20 your opponents will probably quit, especially if we have any land fall triggers on the battlefield. It’s important to get a bit technical here, this card reads “reveal the top x cards.” What this means is that all cards are revealed at the same time and we can choose what order we want them to enter the battlefield. Ideally play the creatures with landfall triggers first and then follow up by playing all the lands revealed.

  3. One of our last ways of winning is old school style creature beat down. In this deck we are going to abuse landfall triggers to wear our opponents down and swing in for the kill. Nothing is better than when you kill your opponents with 10/10 plant tokens off of Avenger of Zendikar. Omnath, Locus of Rage is also very effective when you turn all your elemental's sideways. They either block and kill the elemental's and take 3, or don't block and take 5 instead :D!

Below you will find a list of the ways that we are mainly using to search for lands.

Hour of Promise- Now in resolving this card the two main lands you'll most likely want is either Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers, or our wombo combo Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage. Getting out a 20/20 leviathan early game is a pretty big problem for our opponents. As a side note, just ignore the whole zombie token part.

Sylvan Scrying- this is a great easy search for any land you want. Want a cradle, grab it! Want a field of the dead, grab it! Want our OP Dark Depths, grab it!

Scapeshift- sac’ing all your lands to get even better lands. Sounds pretty awesome if you ask me, especially if you have Titania, Protector of Argoth out on the field. Don’t be afraid to sac some good lands, you can get them back later with a variety of cards.

Realms Uncharted- this a great card for getting four really good lands. Now you’re thinking but wait we only get two? Well with our commander out we can actually just get all 4!

Crop Rotation- a great card that lets us ditch a bad land for a really good land :D

Elvish Reclaimer- so how about a reusable crop rotation!

Sakura-Tribe Elder- our boy Steve is gonna get us a quick easy land.

Nylea's Intervention- this great new card is going to allow you to search for any number of lands you want! Doesn’t matter if you have to discard some, you can just play them from your graveyard!

Entomb- although a weird addition, it puts a card from our deck into the graveyard. This will almost always be a land that we can return with Windgrace or one of our other land recursion options.

So you may have noticed, we tend to put a lot of our lands into the graveyard. This is something that you shouldn’t be afraid to do, we have many outlets to recur these lands back on to the battlefield or straight to our hand. The following list, lists the cards that allow us to do so.

Lord Windgrace- our commanders -3 ability reads return two lands from the graveyard to the battlefield NOT tapped.

Splendid Reclamation- how about return all your lands to battlefield? Sounds pretty good

Life from the Loam- this card is great for feeding our yard and putting more of our precious lands into the graveyard so that we have access to them. Don’t be afraid to dredge!

Crucible of Worlds- for when you run out of lands to play from your hand :D

World Shaper- kinda like splendid reclamation, return all your lands to the battlefield. This card is very handy with Jokulhaups and Obliterate. It can also help you put more lands into your graveyard by attacking with him.

Turntimber Sower- there is a lot of great synergy that can be linked up with this guy. Cards like Scapeshift and fetches are just going to make a bunch of creatures for us to sac and get back any important lands you need. I should probably mention that these tokens can be boosted by Avenger of Zendikar, thought that might spike your interest a little bit!

Ramunap Excavator- same thing as crucible worlds

Well our deck is not really the fastest at winning, so to help slow our opponents down we are running a few stax pieces to help give is an advantage.

Pernicious Deed- this card is also under interaction because you can crack it at instant speed, but you can easily just mess with your opponents by playing this card. While on the field it will naturally force your opponents to be more hesitant about what they play. One of the best things to do is probably pop it for 2 or 3 and wipe all rocks, cheap enchantments, and early commanders.

Collector Ouphe- our boy here likes to shut down mana rocks. You may have noticed that we don’t run any! I can almost guarantee you that most decks you’ll face will use some kind of artifacts to get early game advantage, so don’t let them.

Deathrite Shaman- you may be questioning why I consider him a stax piece, let me explain. A lot of fast combo decks use spells that they throw into their yards or creatures to fulfill combos. Our boy here let’s you exile them at instant speed so they can’t reuse them or form any loops if we decide to intervene. The way you want to use him is not on your turn but on your opponents turn to limit any possible game winning actions. If they don’t do anything funny just activate him on your opponents end step right before your turn.

Cursed Totem- this is a great card for shutting down activated abilities. If we’re being honest it only shuts down a couple of creatures in our deck, ones we can easily do without. Don’t be afraid to play this out early even if it limits you, a lot of commanders have activated abilities that we can shut down and we stop early game mana dorks.

Null Rod- this falls under the same category as ouphe. Shut down your opponents rocks. We want to limit them from out-speeding us.

Sire Of Insanity- this card can single handedly ruin our opponents game, but be mindful it can do the same for us. This card keeps us from being able to hold up interaction and won't let us keep our game winning spells in our hand. You'll have to try and cast everything as you draw it, however with the way the deck is designed you should be able to eventually out value your opponents through landfall triggers and abusing them with lands like Dark Depths.

Obliterate- listing this card as stax because it wipes our opponents lands, therefore restricting them from being able to play.

Jokulhaups- same thing as obliterate.

Geode Rager- he prevents our opponents from attacking us, and restricts what creatures they have on the battlefield by forcing them to attack (they don’t want to play important creatures only to have them blocked and killed).

There are a few other really good stax pieces that you may wish to include if you find yourself needing to slow opponents down even more. It really depends on your playgroup and how fast their decks perform.

Scavenging Ooze- this card may seem underwhelming upon first appearance, but let me tell you it's OP and I absolutely wish I had room to run it. Nothing is better than just exiling all of your opponents best spells from their graveyard, bye bye combo pieces!

Trinisphere- we don’t really have to worry about the higher cmc cost, after all we are a lands deck.

Karn, the Great Creator- is another great way to shut down your opponents artifacts.

Blood Moon- this card is an absolute great piece to run to shut our opponents down, only issue with this card is that with a deck like the current it shuts all of our special lands down. It would pair well in a Windgrace deck centered around MLD (major land destruction) or more focused on utilizing land fall triggers for cards like Omnath, Locus of Rage. Just be mindful that when this card is paired against a mono-colored deck it will most likely give them a huge advantage in winning the game.

Magus of the Moon- this card falls under the same reasoning as Blood Moon.

War's Toll- this is a very interesting card that just screws with our opponents. This card prevents our opponents from being able to keep any weak but good creatures on the field if they want to attack, makes it easy to kill off any Tymnas or Thrasio's. It also limits our opponents from being able to interact on anybody else's turn. Just be mindful that this leaves us as the only source of interaction to police the table, which is not our strong suit. This card would be best fitted in an MLD Windgrace build. Our deck wants blue players sitting at the table running counters, realistically we'll just pull Boseiju, Who Shelters All out for our game winning spells.

More will be provided soon, stay tune!


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Right now, Hour of Promise has replaced Tempt with Discovery


Revision 18 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Geode Rager side
Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 3 Mythic Rares

60 - 17 Rares

8 - 6 Uncommons

2 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.27
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Beast 4/4 G, Cat Warrior 2/2 G, City's Blessing, Clue, Copy Clone, Dragon 5/5 R, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Emblem Wrenn and Six, Marit Lage, Plant 0/1 G, Treasure, Worm 1/1 BG, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders EDH Decks, Decks I like
Ignored suggestions
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