Basic budget manaless dredge, with Balustrade Spy + Lotleth Giant
and Balustrade Spy + Thassa's Oracle
Be on the draw. T1, don't play anything. At your clean up step, discard a dredge card. The higher the cost, the better. And instead of drawing, always dredge after T1.
The dredge cards are from weakest to strongest: Shambling Shell, Golgari Thug, Stinkweed Imp and Golgari Grave-Troll
Get Narcomoebas and Nether Shadows to the battlefield. At the end step, get Prized Amalgams to the battlefield.
Get Ichorids to the field using Street Wraiths and redundant dredge creatures. But be mindful of Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis and don't go overboard.
Bridge from Below gives you board presence with flashback - sacrifice a creature costs and with Ichorid which gets sacrificed at the end of the turn.
Use Phantasmagorians to put dredge cards from your hand to the graveyard.
Cycle Street Wraiths to dredge more cards to the graveyard.
Cabal Therapy can be used on yourself to get dredge cards from your hand to the grave, but it's best served to get rid of troublesome cards off opponent's hand.
Returning Balustrade Spy to battlefield with Dread Return, which mills your whole library, and then returning Thassa's Oracle to the battlefield to win the game.