Originally the concept of a Grixis Flicker deck that ended up just evolving into the budget Tron package because mana is great.
Uses cheap red and black interaction to hold back the board until it can stabilize. Uses Ghostly Flicker with Archaeomancer to repeatedly get value out of Dinrova Horror, Mulldrifter or a second Archaeomancer. Win condition is either to bounce everything with Dinrova Horror and swing or use two Archaeomancers to repeatedly Lightning Bolt/Rolling Thunder their face.
As with the normal Rainbow Tron the deck is vulnerable to graveyard hate, so I have added some extra protection against non-spell based hate such as Bojuka Bog and Faerie Macabre in Soul Manipulation to save the most important creature at instant speed. I've also added a second Dinrova Horror to the mainboard so that win condition isn't as fragile.
The sideboard has a lot of hate for the main predator of tron decks, delver/aggro. Elemental Blasts for both mono-blue and Izzet, Serrated Arrows for a lot of 1 toughness targets such as unflipped Delver and faeries, and additional counterspells to fight their interaction. For a grindier gameplan there is a second Soul Manipulation and Pulse of Murasa to fight through removal heavy decks. Gorilla Shaman and Ancient Grudge for artifact-reliant decks. Capsize adds another copy of Dinrova Horror's ability against decks with a lot of graveyard hate. Against Burn there are Blue Elemental Blasts and Pulse of Murasa is currently the only lifegain in the whole 75.
I am considering adding a copy of Radiant Fountain as an option to bounce with Ghostly Flicker for mainboard lifegain.
My personal meta of friends is Mono-Green Stompy and Mono-Black Zombies, and I will be working on feeling out the metas for my local stores in the near future.
Is the concept at all sound, or is it just a much worse version of Rainbow Tron? Should I consider expanding my counterspell suite to include hard counters mainboard for a Tron mirror match?