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Angels and Demons and Dragons! Oh My!

Commander / EDH Angels Demons Dragons RBW (Mardu)



Thinking of a better name for the deck is definitely on the to do list. Done. "Angles and Dragons and Demons! Oh My!" is much better than "Mardu Goodstuff."

The inspiration: my wife and I have both Sorin, Grim Nemesis and Nahiri, the Harbinger and would like to put them in a deck together. Kaalia of the Vast is the winner for suitable general.

The game plan is to ramp and start attacking with Kaalia. There is a good amount of recursion included on a few creatures which will help recover from all the removal that will likely come our way. There are also a good number of tutors to fetch whatever answer or threat is called for.

  • Eldrazi Displacer is included to gain extra value from the numerous ETB effects.

  • Ideally, the mana ramping will be sufficient for the deck to function even without Kaalia cheating out high costed creatures.

  • Zurgo Helmsmasher can't be played by Kaalia, but he sure presents a handy threat. This deck just keeps pumping out threats like him.

  • Also featured are two of the EMN meld pairs! Hanweir, the Writhing Township might not have made the cut, but half of it is a utility land and the other half is a creature that fits in a sparcely populated space on the mana curve. Brisela, Voice of Nightmares just fits so well, she was an auto include once we had her completed.

A note for any card suggestions:

  • I put a lot of thought into cards over $5 before buying them.

  • I shy away from cards over $10 and only buy them if they have a profound impact.


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We're not quite to the stage fine tuning yet as there still seem to be a couple of problems. We have only tested a few times so far, but it is evident that getting some reliable card draw is important or else Kaalia runs out of steam and can crash hard. There have already been a few good suggestions for card draw, so thank you for those; if there are any more they are welcome.

In other news, I would like Behold the Beyond to be something that could potentially win the game. I have been searching to see if there are any existing big combos in the deck, but if anyone can point any out that would be great. I am also interested in any combos for which I may already have half of and could consider adding the rest. Is tutoring up a 2-3 card combo a good way to go, or would Behold the Beyond just be better used as a way to grab 3 of Kaalia's friends?

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Revision 11 See all

(7 years ago)

+1 Concealed Courtyard main
-1 Hanweir Battlements  Meld main
-1 Hanweir Garrison  Meld main
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.48
Tokens Dragon 5/5 R, Spirit 1/1 W, Vampire Knight 1/1 B, Warrior 1/1 W
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