Master of Cruelties, Aurelia, the Warleader. Could you upvote my St Traft Azorius Control? Nice deck +1.
August 23, 2016 8:36 p.m.
AlexRuzhyo says... #3
Hey there! I pilot a somewhat competitive Kaalia aggro list if you're interested in taking a look.
What's your budget and level of competition? Having that information handy could better produce the feedback you desire. For now I'll offer recommendations based on my experiences and playstyle, which consists of getting Kaalia on the field and exploiting her ASAP.
(Quick Note on your Akroma's Memorial and Obliterate Combo - It doesn't work. Protection doesn't save creatures from non-targeting destroy effects. Protection protects agains DEBT, or Damage, Enchanting/Equipping, Blocking, or Targeting.)
That said, Mass Land Destruction is a viable strategy for locking a game with kaalia on the board. Armageddon, Ravages of War, Impending Disaster, or even hate such as Blood Moon or Winter Orb could help you get an edge.
On the same note, there are some more "targeted wraths" you could run, particularly Austere Command. Kaalia and her lot are all 4 CMC+, so you could blow up small stuff while keeping your own. Still, you can pair any wrath with the (cheap) Boros Charm's Indestructable mode. I'd take a look into some cheaper or more flexible wraths, too. Wrath of God, Catastrophe, Akroma's Vengeance, Merciless Eviction, Fell the Mighty (play before swinging with Kaalia) and the like.
Consider the 2 CMC mana rocks over the 3 CMC Keyrunes, Banner, and Monument. A Turn 1 Sol Ring into a Orzhov Signet, Rakdos Signet, Boros Signet, Fellwar Stone, Coldsteel Heart, or Talisman of Indulgence can mean a quicker start. If budget or level of competition justifies it, consider going deeper with Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, or Mana Crypt, which all enable a T2 Kaalia with the right hand.
Kothophed, Soul Hoarder's effect isn't a may ability. Most infinite combos have the potential to kill you out right. If you want safer card-draw on a stick, consider Bloodgift Demon or Harvester of Souls.
Speaking of card draw, I think you could benefit from a few cheaper sources. Loreseeker's Stone and Sorin, Grim Nemesis, while reusable, cost a bit of mana. Better options may be Necropotence, which was recently reprinted in EMA while, and Phyrexian Arena which will be even cheaper with CN2 coming later tonight. I particularly like ho well both enchantments can be sought and played after a Spell Mastery-enbaled Dark Petition. Also, that Read the Bones on your maybeboard and the cheap Painful Truths could also be a nice boost, should they find a spot. Additionally, Dragon Mage can refill you entire hand and is highly Kaalia playable.
Your creature selection is missing a couple of the "flagship" Kaalia playables. If budget is an issue you can disregard these suggestions, but consider acquiring Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Balefire Dragon, Aurelia, the Warleader, and the like. As for creatures to cut, I'd advocate for Deathbringer Regent (caditional, must be cast) and Stormwing Dragon (expensive, minimal impact).
There's a couple other points to make but I don't like delving too deep without a good idea of what you're going for. There's a fine line behind suggesting improvements and crushing the soul of a deck. If you have any questions about what I do an do not run, take a glace at my list. Consider upvoting it if any of this was helpful to you. I'd appreciate it!
August 26, 2016 9:13 a.m.
RicketyEng says... #4
Thanks for all the suggestions! You reminded me that I have a Dragon Mage and I agree that would work well indeed. Read the Bones was definitely among the last few cards to get culled out and I was hoping someone would suggest that I put it back in. I also noticed what you mentioned about the mana rock cmcs. As for Obliterate, thanks, I also learned about that from my friends and just hadn't updated yet. I think I'll take their suggestion of Blasphemous Act instead of Obliterate.
It's definitely a budget deck to start with at least. There are only a very few cards I've included which we don't already own: Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Rune-Scarred Demon, and Hanweir Garrison, oh, and Kaalia of the Vast herself. There are a number of inclusions solely because they are available, and maybe a few of those would be the subject for gradual upgrades. When buying cards I think carefully about cards over $5 and really shy away from those over $10 until I'm absolutely certain I want them.
The meta is quite casual but reasonably powered. See my Arjun and Daretti decks for examples of decks I have yet to win with but can be a good presence. Narset is the only one of my decks to get me any wins so far. The secondary (and actually more important) meta is against my other decks. This deck is going to be one of my wife's decks.
The original inspiration for the colours (as stated in the description) is that we have Sorin and Nahiri and want to play them both. My wife loves Nahiri and also Avacyn so we may add an Avacyn at some point.
August 26, 2016 10:21 a.m.
AlexRuzhyo says... #5
Good deal.
Yeah, I figured some of your creature choices were of the budgetary nature. off the top of my head, here are some decent low budget suggestions: Reaper from the Abyss, Lord of the Void, Hellkite Tyrant, Bloodgift Demon, Harvester of Souls. Still budget though a bit more competitive/feel-bad are Master of Cruelties and Rakdos the Defiler.
I apologize. I missed the part about the Planeswalkers being a big feature of the deck. Not reading the description is something I often criticize in my mates, but here I am with egg on my face, ha.
August 26, 2016 12:10 p.m.
If I can make a suggestion to help protect your general, Maze of Ith? You can still get the attack trigger for Kaalia, then if the block gets bad, remove her from combat with the Maze and protect her from that. With its rerelease in Eternal Masters, it is a reasonable add for price.
Just my advice from a fellow Kaalia deck runner.
August 26, 2016 12:26 p.m.
RicketyEng says... #7
Card draw has shown to be important. I am also concerned about the high curve. Can anyone offer thoughts on replacing Akroma's Memorial with Read the Bones? I get the feeling that the memorial may not be necessary for the deck to succeed.
September 1, 2016 2:46 p.m.
Some options for draw power could be Phyrexian Arena and/or Greed. There's also Ambition's Cost. Also Mindwrack Demon fits your deck very well and provides some draw. :)
As for red draw power, you have the option for wheel effects.
Not too sure about white draw options, but for colorless, there is Staff of Nin.
Hope this helps!
September 2, 2016 3:52 a.m.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #9
I feel like this specifically is a dumb mirror top my Angels, Birds, Sphinxs, oh my! deck.
RicketyEng says... #1
Do I have enough card draw to keep up with Kaalia?
August 23, 2016 4:34 p.m.