Record 3-2
Thoughts: The deck is getting better, this will take awhile due to my usual playstyle as a draw/go or u-tron pilot, but so far I'm having fun with the deck, but at the moment I would probably play u-tron if it were a serious event.
Match 1 vs Tezzeret Prison 1-2
Game 1 : I crushed him game 1 by stopping bridge from coming into play while beating down with lingering souls tokens. He set up Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek, but the next turn I Unburial Rites targetting Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.
Game 2-3 : Found out that Witchbane Orb counters Gifts Ungiven, I didnt draw any gas and slowly lost. Was unfortunate since this matchup seemed pretty good Terastodon would have crushed him.
Match 2 vs Burn 2-0
Game 1: Removal + hand disruption early set me up to turn 6 Iona, Shield of Emeria. I locked him out of the game at 1 life.
Game 2: I keep an awesome hand of Fatal Push, Collective Brutality, Lingering Souls, and Gifts Ungiven. I Fatal Push his 1 Goblin Guide, Collective Brutality his Eidolon of the Great Revel while discarding Lingering Souls to also Duress his hand. Turn 3 I play a land tapped and flashback Lingering Souls. Rest of the game is Gifts Ungiven reanimate Iona, Shield of Emeria.
Match 3 vs Death and Taxes 1-2
Game 1 : My draw was awful. 1st drawstep Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, 2nd drawstep Iona, Shield of Emeria, 3rd drawstep Unburial Rites, it happens but was unfortunate.
Game 2: Turn 5 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite = GG
Game 3: I misplayed this game, he had Leonin Arbiter and I Gifts Ungiven for Supreme Verdict, Damnation, Wrath of God, and Flooded Strand. I should have taken a shock or basic instead, I he was able to untap his mana for Eldrazi Displacer.
Match 4 : Bant Pod? 2-1
This deck was cool, but after three games is still dont know what the blue splash was for. It used Eldritch Evolution with Kitchen Finks Eternal Witness Reveillark and other value creatures.
Game 1:I wrathed the board on turn 4 and turn 5 he was empty handed. I cast Sigarda, Host of Herons and beat down.
Game 2: My hand was too slow , wasnt able to stabilize.
Game 3: Sigarda, Host of Herons and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite came into play and with the help of Lingering Souls I was able to over power him.
Match 4 : RUG Delver 2-0
Not too much to say, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is quite good vs them.
Needed Changes: The mana base needs to change some. This deck started out as more of a control shell, but after playing it for the last two weeks it's become apparent that this is not a traditional control deck. I'm looking to add a Thragtusk to the main, but I'm not sure what to cut.