Infallable says... #3
im always a big fan of red white. it always makes me happy to see iroas being used lol. i would drop the purphoros though. even though he has burn. red white isnt suposed to be a reach (burn) deck, unless everything else in it is focused in on burn. it is an extra 2 dmg but it just feels in the way to me (especially running 3 iroas) i would also drop eidolon of countless battles unless your going to run more than 4 auras (the aura along with the creature+ is what really makes him shine) too many times i ran him and only had like 2 other creatures out and felt miserable. preeminent captain is a very solid card, if your running other fatty soldiers. maybe run Tajic, Blade of the Legion Assemble the Legion Lightning Helix just some cards like those to keep things moving. Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Belligerent Hatchling for some win con action. hopefully this could help a little. +1 for sure i like the idea
bigpappyj says... #1
Well, it's aggressive in that it gives ya a clear shot against some mono decks and the scry is a bonus. Also, at W it's pretty cheap. But it's not a game winner.
July 7, 2014 6:59 p.m.