June 16, 2015 11:21 a.m.
Hmm not sure if you need that 1 mountain in here. I'd say just run a forest in it's place.
June 17, 2015 10:59 a.m.
Hi Nef and thanks for the comment !
The mountain is indeed a mistake. By reflex, I always put a basic land of each type in my decks for path but in this case, this is useless, a forest is better :-)
June 17, 2015 11:03 a.m.
No problem!
And I found the deck to be good at ramping but I never found any win cons.
Treefolk Harbinger with Courser of Kruphix is a pretty cool synergy.
Have you seen the new nissa that is coming out?
June 17, 2015 11:10 a.m.
The win conditions are mainly the Dragonmaster Outcasts, but the Primeval Titans and Dungrove Elders can also do the job.
The new Nissa (can't link her yet) would indeed fit perfectly in this deck, very good tip ! I'll try her out when she's out :-)
June 17, 2015 11:22 a.m.
Tacticsninja16782 says... #7
I think your land base needs work. I suggest cutting forests for the followiing Copperline Gorge Raging Ravine and Rootbound Crag. Summer Bloom is good ramp in modern and a singleton of Azusa, Lost but Seeking is good too. Oracle of Mul Daya can replace courser. One life is not a lot in modern
July 15, 2015 1:29 p.m.
Hi ninjaman16782, thanks for the comment.
Regarding the manabase, I think you've missed something. The whole mechanic of this deck relies on Forests : both Dungrove Elder and Treefolk Harbinger need the lands to be forests. That's why all the lands in this deck either are forests or can fetch one.
Regarding the "rampers", I prefer Explore over Summer Bloom because this deck is not combo and, most of the time, we will only have 1 or 2 additional lands so the draw effect is most welcome.
I'll consider Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Oracle of Mul Daya, they indeed fit the deck quite well. My only fear is that they die to Lightning Bolt where Courser of Kruphix doesn't...
July 16, 2015 3:32 a.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #9
Awesome setup, I love it. Does the Dragondude regularly win you games? I imagine it's hard to keep him around, even with Vines. It's so awesome that Harbinger can fetch you dual lands, I never even thought of that because my treefolk dudes are mono-! Neat deck. Me likey.
August 12, 2015 8:44 a.m.
Hi Tidebreaker (suislecalme ?) and thanks very much for your comment :-)
Yeah, the Dragonmaster Outcast is the main win condition in this deck and most of the times, I win win an army of dragons :D
He is indeed a blast magnet but if I manage to keep him alive a few turns, the dragons stay after he dies so he did his job.
August 12, 2015 11:55 a.m.
Just added Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip in there and she's amazing :-)
Thanks for the tip, Nef !
HydraOoze says... #1
+1 for useing Dragonmaster Outcast.
June 16, 2015 10:54 a.m.