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Standard enchantments




Enchantment (1)

Instant (4)

Sorcery (4)


Standard selesnya enchantment deck. (Loses to Back to Nature, but nobody is playing Back to Nature in current meta. Good deck to be sneaky at an FNM)


early game- a slow building deck. Initially use white removal enchantments to slow opponents, combined with playing small green creatures to help you ramp into midrange enchantments.

mid game- card draw through Eidolon of Blossoms and Courser. Frontier Siege serves as additional mana ramp in mid game.

Late game- Angel army from the Sigil combined with Elspeth tokens. Frontier Siege serves as removal when combined with Sigil.

Considering playing Starfield of Nyx over Elspeth as an automatic game ender. Needs testing.

Sideboard: Aegis of the Gods- against burn, thoughtseize, anything else that targets you Dromka's Command- removal with other bonuses. good utility. End Hostilities- deals with pure creature decks/ aggro decks, allows you to hold back important creatures to play in a wave after board wipe. Against aggro decks you need to stall the main offenders with chump blocks and cheap removal, take some damage , then board wipe. Nyx-fleece Ram- for pure aggro, blocks just about everything aggro can throw at you. Plummet- stormbreath and other dragons. Silkwrap- bonus removal for aggro.

Mana Base: -using 25 because it takes until late game stage before you start doing your real damage. Your win conditions come at 5 at 6 mana. -I am considering a cut to 24 lands due to the two pseudo mana accelerating two drops coupled with the Courser. Needs playtesting. - Going with an even split mana base between white and green. There are no double color two drops to worry about and there are both white and green 1xx three drops, however neither of the bestow guys are intended for turn three, in most games, so that just leaves the Courser. Also the rampers need green so I'm giving a very slight shift towards Green. I did not want to go too far before testing because if I run into an aggro deck I may need white mana available on turn three.

Concerns: -Games against aggro. Game 1 feels like the deck may play too slow to hang with the red aggro decks. A positive is Courser has 4 toughness, the enchantments exile keeping creatures out of graveyards. If I can be in even somewhat good shape by the time Eidolon of Blossoms or the Sigil goes off things should be good from there. -End Hostilities out of the side may not be quick enough for some aggro decks. It would be nice to have an alternate board wipe in the board in the vein of Drown in Sorrow or Anger of the Gods. -Back to Nature. Once people have ran into you at FNM once or twice they are going to be packing some Back to Nature's in the side of those Abzan and Mono green decks. Once Back to Nature becomes a sideboard staple in your playgroup you may need to move on to a new deck.

Positives: -When it goes off, it goes off big. -Not a lot of enchantment removal played in the format right now which makes your removal more permanent then at other times in standard. -you gain a crap load of life through playing lands and enchantments. This is even better when you think that it comes through the Courser and the Herald, and it is not the main reason you are playing either of those cards. -the deck is fun to play. It is unexpected by opponents and once you get any combination of the key cards into place it gets pretty scary in a heartbeat. -a Herald of the Pantheon + Eidolon of Blossoms + Frontier Siege left unchecked even for a turn or two can get really funny.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 8 Rares

10 - 5 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.11
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
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