Losing Friends On A Budget: TurboFog

Modern Dalektable

SCORE: 190 | 69 COMMENTS | 38956 VIEWS | IN 138 FOLDERS

Dalektable says... #1

KieranBevan No, not really. If your life total is that low, it is likely we've already lost. No card in the crrent list would rather be an Angel's Grace is how i see it, so it should stay as is.

March 29, 2015 11:21 a.m.

Dalektable says... #2

Also, what does everyone think about Myth Realized here over Luminarch Ascension? It is a new consideration, however I believe i still prefer ascension for bother the evasion and versatility, as we can make multiple creatures with it but a Myth Realized can always get pathed.

March 29, 2015 11:23 a.m.

KieranBevan says... #3

Myth Realized can be removed by creature removal and is easier to respond too

March 29, 2015 4:41 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #4

I always wanted to try out turbofog in modern but I was to lazy to make a list so I am going to give yours a whirl. :3

I do have a suggestion for you though: Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, it is a Howling Mine on a land for turns where you have extra mana. :3

April 26, 2015 12:35 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #5

I gave the deck a whirl and I was impressed with the results, the only card I am questioning is Gideon Jura because to me his is like a five mana fog as his other abilities are quite meh and makes me want to just run another Angelsong over him. I wouldn't replace Myth Realized over Luminarch because flying helps immensely and for all the reasons Kieran stated. Anyways, definitely a +1 from me I can just think all the joy this deck will bring to me. X3

April 27, 2015 1:23 a.m.

AlmostPerfekt says... #6

This is a super fun deck to play! I've made some adjustments which I think are for the better. To start off, I know it's a turbo-fog deck but there are way too many fogs. I took out all the Angelsong; Dawn Charm gives you more flexibility for the same mana cost although I understand cycling can come in handy some times. I did take out one Dawn Charm as well as moved the Batwing Brume to the sideboard for token decks and Twin/Kiki-Jiki. The finals cuts were one Howling Mine and the one Gideon Jura since I was never drawing it. Anyways, enough with the cuts, here are the adds. I added two Heliod, God of the Sun to give the angels from Luminarch Ascension vigilance. I added a playset of Leyline of Sanctity to the mainboard because it's relevant to the deck you're playing about 90% of the time, if not, just side it out. Lastly I added a playset of Silence because it limits opponents to only playing instants during your turn if you have it imprinted onto Isochron Scepter. I'm not saying these improvements are for the better, it's just what I've changed and it'll probably change even more. This deck is awesome though!

July 31, 2015 12:04 a.m.

AlmostPerfekt says... #7

Sorry about contradicting myself haha. To be clear though, I'm not saying the changes I made make the deck any better, it's just something that's fit my play style better.

July 31, 2015 12:06 a.m.

candralee says... #8

might i suggest Pollen Lullaby instead of Angelsong?u know Pollen Lullaby gives u an extra fog if u win clash, coz their creature doesn't untap?

August 3, 2015 2:15 a.m.

Winger_77 says... #9

Friend of mine just built a turbo-infect deck. I want to build this to answer it. "Oh, you just dropped two buffs on your creature to make it 8/8 with infect? Holy Day! Lol. Nice deck. Definitely +1.

September 3, 2015 10:11 a.m.

mebamissle says... #10

I really like this deck, my only suggestion is to run a one, maybe two of Path to Exile. No only can you abuse it with the staff, but Ulamog kinda just beats this decks, otherwise, looks great! +1

February 10, 2016 4:44 p.m.

TapDragon says... #11

Is there any cheaper replacements for some of the more expensive cards in this deck? Im looking into the deck, and as I add cards into the list, the price builds up quite fast. I understand the deck needs these cards to be overpowered, but is there some kind of cheaper replacements that can hold the deck's effectiveness? Im talking about cards like Wrath of God and Luminarch Ascension. These aren't the cheapest of cards, and I figure there can be some cheaper alternatives somewhere out there.

February 20, 2016 4:08 a.m.

TapDragon says... #12

Also Im looking into a vampire ally deck, and I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions.

February 20, 2016 4:10 a.m.

alanwescoat says... #13

TapDragon, Day of Judgment is much cheaper than Wrath of God. Shrine of Loyal Legions has already been mentioned as a cheap but inferior replacement to Luminarch Ascension. You can also skip Isolated Chapel and replace Batwing Brume with Pollen Lullaby. That should cut about $50 from the price of the deck.

March 4, 2016 7:03 a.m.

Holtzman says... #14

What do you think of the Gift of Immortality + Kami of False Hope combo.

Side note(nitpicking)- Ethereal Haze is not a simple fog because it shuts down all creature damage, not just combat damage. This shuts down creature based combos. (Triskelion)etc.

March 17, 2016 2:01 p.m.

Holtzman says... #15

Have a similar deck TurboFog splashed blue for more control

March 17, 2016 2:45 p.m.

Icbrgr says... #16

Outstanding +1 from me

April 15, 2016 1:56 p.m.

Dango says... #17

Have you considered adding Darkness? You may have to alter your manabase a bit for more consistency to use it but the additional one drop fog may be worth it.

April 30, 2016 2:16 p.m.

Dalektable says... #18

Nine-Lived Not worth the splash, IMO. This deck doesn't want shocks or fetches, anything painful really. The isolated chapel is only here for Batwing Brume. If any color should be splashed it's either green (one mana fogs) or blue.

April 30, 2016 2:20 p.m.

ShadyProphet says... #19

Spellskite does not stop 8 Rack. You can only use his ability to change the target of the spell to him if he's still a legal target. Since the discard spells read target player, he's an invalid target and you can't use his ability. It can stop the little removal that 8 rack runs, and the +2/-1 option of Funeral Charm though.

June 24, 2016 10:52 a.m.

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