
I have been a U Tron player since 2013, I have run about every version of the deck (Shoktroopa, Pierakor, KGC). I'm going to try to keep this deck up to date and hopefully give you guys the fruit of my labor of testing.

Breaking down the deck:

  • Walking Ballista - From my experience running both G Tron and U Tron this card has become a key card that holds the deck together. It can be played both early and late and resists removal.

  • Wurmcoil Engine - Finisher, stabilizer, resilient threat. Wurmcoil is tried and tested.

  • Mindslaver - Academy Ruins + Mindslaver + . For some of us Mindslaver is the reason to play the deck. A control deck that has an "I win" combo is necessary if your opponent reaches a state that we can't handle by combat damage.

  • Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Stabilizes us from wide board states or problematic permanents, gives us reach as a finisher with a great ultimate.

  • Karn, the Great Creator - The newest edition to the deck depending on who you ask. U Tron has always been a deck full of silver bullets, I've opted for taking out some of the silver bullets from the maindeck and having a robust wishboard. I'll be going over all the intricacies of the Karn package lower.

  • Mycosynth Lattice - oh boy this is the reason that you play with Karn, the Great Creator. Unlike cards that exclude mana abilities in the "Can't be activated" clause, Karn doesn't care: Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice . Without something on your opponents side of the board that can attack Karn and destroy him, you win the game.

  • Condescend - The classic U Tron counterspell, I can't imagine running the deck without 4.

  • Repeal - Repeal has been in and out of my variations of U Tron, sometimes it's great for turning the corner getting rid of a troublesome permanent, other times its a (close-to) free draw. It's never been a 4 of in the deck and I think the number you want to run is between 1-3. Because of it's usefulness I've opted to run 2, but it is an easy card to slot out in certain match ups

  • Cyclonic Rift - One of my most hated cards in EDH, but great in U Tron. Sometimes you want to use it for it's generic bounce, but other-times you want to pseudo-clear the board. Great flexibility matching what you need it for.

  • Remand - I've debated swapping remand out for other hard counters, but I feel like it's versatility keeps it in the deck. We can only run so many Condescend 's so we need more cheap counters. Remand can be used to "say no" to a threat while digging through your deck to find a more permanent answer and also to use on your own spell. Cast a Karn, the Great Creator to bait out a counterspell, then while it's on the stack counter KGC to draw you a card, put it back to your hand, and fizzle enemy countermagic.

  • Dismember - I think we've passed a point where Spatial Contortion is alright to play. Dismember might cost us a little life, but hopefully it removes a threat that's worse. I'm tired of having dead Spacial Contortions in my hand that would only make that Tarmogoyf kill me faster.

  • Thirst for Knowledge - Another reason you might be playing the deck, Thirst for Knowledge is how you churn through your deck throwing an unwanted artifact or maybe two unwanted cards away while keeping your hand chocked full of action.

  • Chalice of the Void - Chalice is a great card that helps us have a permanent that stops an entire cmc of spells in our opponents deck. If I draw the maindeck copy it usually goes on 1, this fades a lot of the removal, draw, and creatures depending on our opponents deck.

  • Expedition Map - unlike G Tron variants our first goal is not to assemble Tron, we sometimes just wait for it to naturally happen. Expedition Map is one of the only ways we can tutor up a specific land, sometimes it's the missing Tron piece, sometimes it's just Academy Ruins to recur artifacts (like the Expedition Map we just popped)

  • Talisman of Dominance - Shoktroopa originally used Talisman in his deck and I remember my first build having 3 copies. The ramp from Talisman has always been nice, but it is about 50/50 if a deck runs them. Because of Karn, the Great Creator 's +1 making it a 2/2, giving us without islands, and cutting the life loss from Dismember I think it deserves it's spot in this version of the deck. If it's stuck in your hand toss it to Thirst for Knowledge .

  • Oblivion Stone - We need a board wipe other than Ugin, the Spirit Dragon , one that can come down early enough to stabilize without Tron, that's what Oblivion Stone does for us. Note that it could be infinitely recurred with Academy Ruins +

  • Mindslaver - covered in the Win Cons, Academy Ruins + Mindslaver . Worthy to note that Mindslaver is fine to cast and take your opponents turn without the lock: wasting your opponents resources, failing to find a land with a fetch, countering their own spells, etc. There are a ton of intricacies to what you can do as your opponent. One of my favorites is to counter a troublesome spell with Condescend for , and having them not pay .

I'm going to break our sideboard into two parts, Karn, the Great Creator package and available sideboard slots. Currently I have 10 pieces in the sideboard for the Karn Pacakge and I'm currently working on how to lower than down to hopefully around 8.

  • All cards in this list can be searched with Karn, the Great Creator 's -2 ability

  • Walking Ballista - Our fourth copy lives here in the Sideboard to have a go to wish card that acts like removal.

  • Wurmcoil Engine - We keep one in the sideboard to act like copies 3-6 in our deck. There are direct circumstances when grabbing the same cmc costing Mycosynth Lattice is incorrect, maybe due to creatures that can attack and kill Karn on the swing back. In that case we can put our favorite stabilizer in front of them to protect Karn.

  • Chalice of the Void - With only 1 copy in the main we want the second to be tutorable to protect us from things like storm, or to go long against a control deck.

  • Grafdigger's Cage - Here to stop graveyard shenanigans, turn off flashback, and stop things like Chord of Calling

  • Liquimetal Coating - very spicy card. This card can be used to disable enemy lands on their upkeep, or other permanents with activated abilities. Combos with Karn's +1 on a land to destroy it, it's a repeatable Stone Rain

  • Crucible of Worlds - great card to tutor for if you are playing a midrange or control deck that is leaning heavily on destroying your tron lands. For extremely late game you could potentially work through lands with Crucible of Worlds + Field of Ruin

  • Ensnaring Bridge - cheap artifact that can stall out the board if your opponent is going for a win via attacking with creatures

  • Trinisphere - one of the first artifacts to spike with Karn's reveal, if your opponent is playing a low-to-the-ground strategy that uses cheap spells and creatures to win then Trinisphere will most likely put them in a position where they can only play one spell a turn.

  • Relic of Progenitus - cheap graveyard removal for the degenerate decks in modern

  • Mycosynth Lattice - covered in win cons. This combo works by dropping a Mycosynth Lattice in play with Karn, the Great Creator which will result in your opponent not being able to tap their lands for mana, or other permanents activated abilities.

  • Negate - this is here to bring in against control or decks that combo with a noncreature spell

  • Dismember - I have an additional Dismember in the board for heavy creature decks

  • Spatial Contortion - here to bring in against low to the ground aggro decks

  • Fabricate to Nimble Obstructionist - Got some feedback and there really aren't too many cards that Fabricate can search for that Karn already doesn't. With Blast Zone, Oblivion Stone, and Cyclonic Rift I shouldn't need extra ways to tutor a sweeper. For that reason I've decided to swap them out for 2x Nimble Obstructionist. Stifle bird does the obvious things (Stifle Effects) along with replacing itself in our hand. Also a 3 mana blue card:Doomblade for creatures that we can put it in front of when stifle isn't needed.

  • (Sideboard) Ceremonious Rejection to Spatial Contortion - I feel fine with the amount of counter spells currently in the deck, especially with the addition of Stifle Bird, and I want painless ways to kill creatures vs Burn/Aggro decks. Spatial has always felt "Meh" in the mainboard, so I'm going to have a couple of copies ready in the side.

After Oct. 3, 2019 FNM Report:

  • Nimble Obstructionist to 1 more Chalice of the Void and 1 more Blast Zone - Tried Nimble, overall it didn't preform well. I had better things I wanted to do most times and only used it to stifle an ETB and block an infect creature. I found myself bringing in the second Chalice when I wanted to have it ~T2 and couldn't wait, and Blast Zone over-preformed. I believe between the two I can stop the same things and more with maybe to exception of man-lands.

  • (Sideboard) Mindslaver to Relic of Progenitus - I've always ran 2 mindslaver with the thought that I could have a backup if the first got exiled. Well now with KGC you can actually get the mindslaver if it gets exiled, so the second copy is kind of mute. We are going to replace it with a bit of graveyard interaction in Relic of Progenitus.

This concludes and hopefully explains all card choices in the deck. I will post updates from events (hopefully) to give more feedback to r/Tronmtg



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Overall: 3-0-1 Place: 1st

Round 1 vs Infect: 2-1 Round 2 vs Bant Soulherder: 1-1-1 Round 3 vs G Tron: 2-0 Round 4 vs Grixis DS: 2-0

I forgot paper so I can’t give a good report but the deck preformed well.

The match I lost to infect was Game 1 turn 2 kill. Sideboard kill spells + chalice + Trinisphere brought it home.

Soulherder was an interesting deck, won round 1 easy, round 2 I had really bad draws and he kept recurring ceremonious rejection + ewitt. Round 3 was a bruising match back and forth. I got a KGC on the field right as turns started and he didn’t concede to the Lattice because I couldn’t kill him before turns were over.

G Tron felt overwhelmingly in my favor. Round 1 I challiced him on 1 and he had to jump through a lot of hoops to remove it, I follow up with a KGC and Wurmcoil to finish it. Round 2 he went down to 5, he got Tron but delayed it to GQ my Tron land. I T3’d KGC with the help of Talisman and grabbed Liquimetal. He had exactly the next turn to find a Karn and when he couldn't, conceded.

Grixis DS felt good with the maindeck dismembers for delve threats and Blast Zone for shadows. Good games where I out grinded him. My creatures and threats were better and my disruption handled his disruption.


Revision 4 See all

(5 years ago)

-1 Mindslaver side
+1 Relic of Progenitus side
Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 2 Mythic Rares

16 - 10 Rares

25 - 3 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.36
Tokens Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders Modern, Modern, Modern stuff maybe?
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