Comically Huge Hydras

Modern KSULongneck

SCORE: 84 | 110 COMMENTS | 11257 VIEWS | IN 49 FOLDERS

KSULongneck says... #1

@Jaeyx. It really comes down to preference. I like the stack of creatures.Essence Harvest is just another option, not a primary win-con. Also, my meta includes some extraordinarily fast Selesnya token decks. I often use the Fungal Sprouting without a truly massive hydra on the board just to create some chump blockers and so that Elspeth Tirel doesnt wreck my entire world.

@GeoKinetic. No blue decks in my playgroup as of now. One of the guys has been thinking about a B/U control build but it hasnt happened yet. If it does, I will love to spring the Mistcutter Hydra on him.

September 17, 2013 9:56 p.m.

Felixlives says... #2

It looks like you could potentially side in that 5th Increasing Savagery for MORE POWER. Or back it up a little and only play 4 of them. I think you should cut Ooze Flux and something else for Gyre Sage grye sage followed by corpsejack is awesome. Next turn you can play a rediculously huge hydra. I too primordial hydra corpsejack deck. I play a little bit different. I play Grisly Salvage and Deathrite Shaman and Fog

October 12, 2013 6:03 a.m.

Felixlives says... #3

My friend plays Death's Presence and Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord wich is devistating if you get out that plus Gyre Sage plus Corpsejack Menace and any other creature. It is not great for fnm but as far as casual kitchen table games with multiple players it can be lethal to each opponent.

October 12, 2013 6:08 a.m.

Vigor !!! Not exactly a hydra but makes them rediculous

November 4, 2013 10:58 p.m.

KSULongneck says... #5

Updated the list to reflect this deck as it actually exists. Could use a little help, particularly with a toolbox sideboard, as I am considering competing in some organized Modern tournaments

May 28, 2014 6:17 p.m.

xKrenko says... #6

I like Bioshift the only problem I always had with it was I had no other creatures to use it for seeing that your running some pretty heavy mana creatures like the hydras and is particularly useless early game. Of course the card would work in situations, i'd rather have that card on the sideboard. Better options would be Alpha Authority , Dying Wish , or Duress , Distress , Despise which can be better options.

May 28, 2014 8:59 p.m.

KSULongneck says... #7

xKrenko. Thanks for the suggestions. I may split Bioshift and Alpha Authority by running 2 each. Bioshift has won me so many games by moving the counters to an unblocked creature for me to move it entirely out of the main deck. Dying Wish is an interesting option that I will definately consider.

May 28, 2014 10:18 p.m.

Felixlives says... #8

Bioshift has won me multiple game the same way. Wing with a 4/4 hydra a 4/4 corpsejack and a mana dork both the fatties get blocked turn the mana dork into a 9/9

May 29, 2014 1:48 a.m.

Incognietis says... #9

i'm almost certain that having 4 corpsejacks down allows for primordial to get x17 counters per turn.. not sure about other hydras but yeah.. corpsejack's ability would stack on itself.. also i would add a bit of blue mana just for a few cloneing spells (for corpsejack) maybe just add some guildgates.. I love this tactic, it's great in EDH..

May 31, 2014 11:44 a.m.

KSULongneck says... #10

Incognietis Thats correct, they do stack. Also, if it attacks with a Kalonian Hydra that's 34x counters. Things can get really rediculous. Especially with Bioshift because when you move the counters all the corpsejacks trigger again.

May 31, 2014 12:25 p.m.

Incognietis says... #11

yeah, maybe add more cards that will deal damage based on a creatures toughness.. like x4 essence harvest.. Predator's Rapport would also be great.. could give you essentially infinite life.

May 31, 2014 12:37 p.m.

Incognietis says... #12

almost forgot, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord

May 31, 2014 12:39 p.m.

mcnagnog says... #13

replace 4x Overrun with 4x Triumph of the Hordes ? they'll already be big enough for 1 to trample over for a kill 1 less mana and add infect would probably be fine

June 1, 2014 8:53 p.m.

Todris052 says... #14

Noble Hierarch is nearly always better than Llanowar Elves , and I see no reason for you not to use fetchlands and/or shocklands. Is the deck supposed to be on budget?

June 7, 2014 3:16 a.m.

KSULongneck says... #15

Todris052 This deck necessarily on a budget but i will never be able to justify spending $30-$50 on single cards, Let alone the total cost of full playsets.

Noble Hierarch only generates one type of mana that i actually use (the same as Llanowar Elves and the exalted ability doesn't mean much to me at all because if Im only attacking with one creature its usually a humungous hydra and the +1/+1 is insignificant. As stated before, i would never pay $50 bucks for a card, especially one that makes no significant improvements to my deck.

I do intend to get a playset of Overgrown Tomb to help stabilize the mana base but, again, I will never pay the $30/card cost of the fetchlands. My mana does fine as it is anyway, the Tombs will just be an extra guarantee.

June 7, 2014 10:48 a.m.

Incognietis says... #16

I would drop Protean Hydra for Heroes' Bane ... it can be a nice place to drop unused mana and it doesn't relay on your opponents dealing damage to it... I love Overrun , i hold a lot of nostalgia with that card, but Overwhelming Stampede is just better... even though each of your creatures will already be huge, it could be nice to have that little extra power if needed... Dying Wish could also be a nice alternative for Essence Harvest , it gives your opponents a reason NOT to kill your beasts (also gives them a reason to target removal elsewhere in a more than two teams scenario) I usually run both Essence Harvest and Dying Wish but your at 60 cards so it's up to you.. also, if you like running hydras and huge creature setups check out my EDH deck on this site... just go on my profile, It's called "where the water runs black" theres a few different with the same name, look for the blue/black/green setup

June 7, 2014 1:05 p.m.

Incognietis says... #17

oh yeah Wall of Blood combos great with Essence Harvest and other cards like it... if your going to run Predator's Rapport definitely run 2... it's basically a double your life for three mana combo.. in a green/black deck.. the added early protection wouldn't hurt either in your deck

June 7, 2014 1:09 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #18

Any thoughts on Rosheen Meanderer ?
Also I'd suggest Withstand Death to protect the hydras from Doom Blades and stuff.
I'd cut the swamps for 4 Woodland Cemetery and 1 Temple of Malady . I'm saying that because you don't have anything black to play on turn 1, so why not having some lands that also add green?

June 8, 2014 11:21 a.m.

Caligula says... #19

Your gonna want Heroes' Bane in here.

I shit you not I played a game against my buddy and he was using my Hydra deck (The Golgari Way) and no joke he dropped a bane with +33 MILLION counters on it. Not to mention next turn he activated his ability 11 times the next turn via 3x Karametra's Acolyte and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to get him up to 4.5 Billion +

Just due to his ability to exponentially grow with a Corpsejack Menace out.

It's ludicrous.

June 8, 2014 11:31 a.m.

KSULongneck says... #20

@Incognietis I really am considering Heroes' Bane to replace Protean Hydra . The only thing that is holding me up is the tricks I can pull with Bioshift on the Protean. I have opened a backdoor victory by Bioshifting some counters off of the protean during my opponents turn. He doubles at their end step (even more with Corpsejack Menace ) then I cast a game winning Essence Harvest . A narrow set of circumstances, sure, but its paid off enough for me to be apprehensive. I may look for a way to have them both.

Ive balked on Overwhelming Stampede because I often play Overrun with only a bunch of 1/1 Saprolings on the board, in which case the Stampede isnt as good. Also, to a lesser extent, I dont like packing my deck full of rares when there are commons and uncommons that do the job. It makes me feel too cheesy.

As far as Wall of Blood and Predator's Rapport go, Ive added them to the Maybeboard but Im not sure they fit what I am really trying to do. Rapport would be insane life gain but at the point that I'm gaining that much life, I also have a game winning Hydra on the board. This deck only splashes black for a few things. Using life as a resource isn't something I've built in here until i get my shocklands.

June 9, 2014 5:35 p.m.

KSULongneck says... #21

@lil_cheez Rosheen Meanderer is very interesting considering I have 8 total hydras with X costs. Its tough to decide what I would pull to make room for her... I am working on getting Woodland Cemetery and also Overgrown Tomb to guarantee a stable mana base. Ive not had any trouble with it in games so far but the added security will be nice.

June 9, 2014 5:39 p.m.

Incognietis says... #22

To be honest protean is the better choice with your bioshift combo.. I justlike heroes>protean for that artwork :).

June 10, 2014 9:12 a.m.

Incognietis says... #23

Also i would suggest looking at Vorel of the Hull Clade and Master Biomancer in case you ever want to make a blue/green version... I forget what it's called but there's another that enters with aditional counters equal to the greatest power among creatures you control

June 10, 2014 9:18 a.m.

Incognietis says... #24

Kavu Predator is nice against white, great in a sideboard..

June 10, 2014 9:31 a.m.

Incognietis says... #25

June 10, 2014 9:43 a.m.

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