ChandraNalaar says... #2
My version is very much inspired of this list, and I've played it quite a lot. Although all those additions look super fun, the only one I'm considering right now is the MDFC version of Regrowth ( Bala Ged Recovery + Bala Ged Sanctuary ). This deck has few creatures and about two landfall interactions ( Lotus Cobra and Tireless Tracker ), so I don't think Ashaya, Soul of the Wild or the landharmonicon effect in Ancient Greenwarden are a big plus for this deck, although a third crucible effect could be relevant (expensive though).
I'm mitigated about Scute Swarm , since I often find myself with a low land count on the battlefield. I usually tutor for lands that produce more than one mana in the early turns, and if I get back a bunch of lands from the graveyard with Splendid Reclamation , then I'm probably winning anyway. But it has high board-flooding potential, so it could be worth testing (-:
Anyway, that's my 2 cents on this
September 21, 2020 10:27 a.m.
hecubus333 says... #3
Been a while. Updating my version of this wonderful deck you crafted. Was curious if you plan to update with any cards from the past 5 months, or if you plan to update the primer/combos section to reflect the current list.
I had a 1v1 tuned version of this going for a while, but am gearing the deck back up for multiplayer.
Any updates or tips are super appreciated. Also, it's super impressive how you've foiled all available foils and have acquired so many custom/signed/altered cards. The deck looks as impressive as ever.
Happy holidays!
December 21, 2021 3:41 p.m.
DivineKhaos says... #4
How does Reap and Sow perform? It seems to be on the more expensive side. I am assuming there aren’t better options since your deck is so optimized.
Have loved the deck for a while, keep it up! CastleSiege
January 11, 2022 3:57 a.m.
CastleSiege says... #5
hecubus333 I haven't really been paying close attention to the latest sets. Between not being able to play often because of the pandemic, as well as WotC's questionable business practices, I haven't been as interested in the game. I'm glad you appreciate the effort I put into getting foils and artist signatures :)
DivineKhaos the primary function of Reap and Sow is to go grab Gaea's Cradle and put it directly into play. It's taken the place of Tempt with Discovery since my group finally wised up to it and choose not to get lands lol. Four mana to put Cradle directly into play isn't so bad, especially when Cradle is kind of the linchpin of the deck.
January 20, 2022 7:36 p.m.
DivineKhaos says... #6
CastleSiege What are your thoughts on Allosaurus Shepherd and Carpet of Flowers(my playgroup loves blue). And what would you consider replacing for them.
Also how does Food Chain perform and does it go infinite or just there for value?
Lastly, the new Boseiju land that was just spoiled is broken haha.
Thanks again :)
January 29, 2022 4:30 p.m.
Antonius_Cleus says... #7
CastleSiege, any thoughts on Roiling Regrowth? It's Essentially just a second copy of Harrow, except it doesn't cost a land if it gets countered.
Also, been a while but I'm loving the time and effort that has obviously been put into the deck! I'm hoping to pimp out some of my favorite decks eventually.
April 23, 2022 6:54 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #8
DivineKhaos and Antonius_Cleus
This deck list is a little out-dated and I'm actually updating it right now. I've been running Roiling Regrowth since it came out and I actually just added a bunch of cards I finally picked up this weekend at PAX East:
Allosaurus Shepherd, Boseiju, Who Endures, Urza's Saga, Carpet of Flowers, Collector Ouphe, Autumn's Veil, and Eldritch Evolution.
I've pretty much decide to go all in on taking this deck the cedh route. It's by far my best deck and I already play it the least with my friends and at events.
April 24, 2022 3:24 p.m. Edited.
CastleSiege says... #9
Just recently made a bunch of updates for the biggest shakeup in a while
May 2, 2022 12:07 p.m.
Wabbajacke says... #10
What do you think about World Shaper in this deck? Could go well with all the sacrifice abilitys and with Sensei's Divining Top even his first ability looks nice in here.
July 12, 2022 10:09 a.m.
CastleSiege, what would you think would be the best cuts for Jeweled Lotus and Mana Crypt
PhyrexianSliver says... #1
So im guessing we will be seeing some new additions form Zendikar rising soon? such as ancient greenwarden,Scute swarm or maybe even Ashaya, soul of the wild. any of these peak your interest?
September 16, 2020 11:51 a.m.