
Enchantment (2)

Instant (1)

Artifact (4)


Mill deck without Glimpse the Unthinkable or Jace, Memory Adept (due to price)~

Quick Mill deck with noting above 5 converted mana cost as of now.

Thinking about removing Szadek, Lord of Secrets and Geth, Lord of the Vault since they're really slow.
Wondering about Sanity Grinding, Trepanation Blade, Memory Erosion, and Psychic Drain.
2x more Caltrops and Mindshrieker are considers for a side board versus a deck with lots of creatures

EDIT - after playtesting, I did decide that Szadek, Lord of Secrets was useless and Geth, Lord of the Vault was too high cost. I threw in Cast Through Time as a big drop that would help tons if played and then I added Dissipation Field as a defensive card!!

EDIT - Removed 2x Caltrops from the deck and added 2x Apathy also removed Cast Through Time and threw in a Ponder

EDIT - Ponder replaced with Visions of Beyond

Looking Forward
Optimally, 2x Increasing Confusion, 2x Hedron Crab, 2x Apathy, 1xTraumatize, 1x Visions of Beyond and 1x Grimoire of the Dead would all be removed and replaced with 4x Glimpse the Unthinkable, 1x Jace, Memory Adept, 2x Twincast and 2x Sapphire Medallion.

EDIT - 2x Apathy removed.
Nightscape Familiar was added because I don't have access to Sapphire Medallion just yet!!
Also added Prowler's Helm.
(understanding that Artful Dodge would be an endlessly better card).
Took out 2x Island and put in 2x Halimar Depths.
Removed Grimoire of the Dead and put in Elixir of Immortality.

Looking Forward
2xIncreasing Confusion and the Traumatize still seem too slow to me. Trying to replace those cards!!
Elixir of Immortality, Nightscape Familiar, and Prowler's Helm are all temporary cards until I order my next batch!!
2xTwincast, 2xSapphire Medallion & 2xArtful Dodge
(maybe my much needed 2x Glimpse the Unthinkable also! (depending on paycheck size))
(removing 2x Hedron Crab for those if I can afford them)
Also realizing that Dissipation Field is only good after they deal damage to me, which voids it of purpose...
Will try to acquire Propaganda to replace it.


Removed 2x Increasing Confusion, 1x Prowler's Helm, 1x Dissipation Field, 1x Nightscape Familiar and 2x Hedron Crab.
Added 2x Sapphire Medallion, 2x Artful Dodge, 1x Archive Trap, and 2x Twincast.
Need 2x Glimpse the Unthinkable.

Final Overhaul
changes have been made, and I have been playing and winning very often....
still have yet to get my hands on a Propaganda to replace Traumatize though...

Made sideboard into a combo deck-changer.
Here's how this works...
You play normally, and if you win, it's a solid win!
However, if you lose, you can seek revenge by changing this deck into a wombo-combo turn 4/5/6 win.
(combos are seen as cheap, where I come from)

New side-board cards:
4x Duskmantle Guildmage
4x Mindcrank
2x Dimir Infiltrator (for transmute)
2x Hedron Crab
2x Memory Erosion
1x Muddle the Mixture

Pretty self-explanatory - Get Duskmantle out with a Mindcrank and activate his first ability, then put a card in your opponents yard. Combo chains on itself, and it's a win.

Cards to replace:
4x Mind Funeral
2x Mind Grind
2x Consuming Aberration
2x Sapphire Medallion
1x Traumatize
2x Artful Dodge
1x Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
1x Phenax, God of Deception
(removing high cost cards)



Date added 10 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 2 Rares

5 - 10 Uncommons

22 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.83
Ignored suggestions
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