Laxcougar18 says... #2
Yeah, I have Sagu Mauler in my deck right now, and he is likely to stay. My current deck is the one listed in the description except a few Lightform and Ghostfire Blade pulled out to try these new cards from DTK.
April 1, 2015 11:53 p.m.
Love this deck easy +1, maybe Secret Plans so you can draw? I mean everything can put something face down after all
April 1, 2015 11:59 p.m.
Have you considered running 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon ? All Manifests/Morphs are considered colorless, so once you have a decent board of card you can wipe without your manifests going then smash into them. Unlikely they can whack him with creatures because Whisperwood Elemental Manifests like a boss. Another thing is I was playing with a similar deck and drew salt road ambusher at the worst possible time, so i dropped him to 2 and hidden dragonslayer to 2, and put in 2x Prophet of Kruphix Helps so much vs aggro. At one point i actually morphed in a rattleclaw, in my turn my mana came back up, morphed rattleclaw, flashed in salt road ambusher (3 mana from flip, 1 from tap) and bought in 2 facedown deathmists from grave too. Its really funny, i recommend it
April 4, 2015 12:04 a.m.
Spoonpocalypse says... #5
I play a b/g deck that's a bit similar, if you're curious to take a look you can find it under my username's Dirty Dancing deck. I've gotten to play with it a bit and commented on some card interactions which may be of interest to you.
April 5, 2015 10:30 p.m.
Laxcougar18 says... #6
NoxRhys, I actually really like the Ugin, the Spirit Dragon idea. Never crossed my mind. That said, I am not going to buy one anytime soon, so we will seen. Maybe I can make some trades for it.
April 5, 2015 11:39 p.m.
Its one of those cards that wont always come up and you dont want to rely on it, but if you can get an ugin on the field with whisperwood/ mastery of the unseen, its basically a guaranteed win unless they have fog cards in hard, and very few decks run them in standard :D I'd also run Dragonlord Dromoka at 1, and Secret plans 3 in the SB, Both for control matchups, Dromoka fucks them over a bit stopping them countering your casts, as well stopping them playing fogs (this only really applies to sultai control though) Secret plans, 1 stops your morphs having Drown in Sorrow Dropped on them with 2 of them taking you out of Bile Blight The bane of all manifest/morphs decks. (also not as important because of it being a 2 drop, it stops your morphs dying to wild slash, nothing more annoying than dropping sagu mauler turn 4, in preparationf or turn 5 only to have a wild slash dropped on it, also a reason why i like prophet, by the way)
April 6, 2015 3:01 p.m.
Laxcougar18 says... #8
NoxRhys, it's funny you mention Dragonlord Dromoka because I do have her, and put her in when I play my wife's Jeskai Tokens deck or my Brothers Mardu Tokens deck. It makes them so angry when I lay her on the battlefield. I definitely like the idea of Prophet of Kruphix but I am trying to keep my in the Tarkir block to avoid pains when Theros moves out of standard.
April 6, 2015 10:56 p.m.
SomeNonsense1 says... #9
I'd probably do -1 Den Protector -2 Rattleclaw Mystics -1 Trail of Mystery and add 2 Cloudforms and 2 Lightforms to the main board. That's just me, though. I think those are great weapons.
April 9, 2015 8:49 p.m.
SomeNonsense1 says... #10
Actually, I wouldn't take out Den Protector haha...I just think Lightform and Cloudform both belong in a manifest deck, somehow.
April 9, 2015 9:15 p.m.
Laxcougar18 says... #11
I agree, but too many noncreature spells in any manifest deck can be dangerous. At this point, I would have to drop Mastery of the Unseen or Obscuring AEther to add Lightform or Cloudform.
April 10, 2015 1:24 p.m.
SomeNonsense1 says... #12
Yeah, I made a similar deck on my page and decided to put Temur Sabertooth to 4 so I could return the non-creature manifested cards back to my hand and profit a bit. But I understand if you don't even want to take the risk.
April 10, 2015 3:02 p.m.
Pawstitute says... #13
Right, having been tinkering with my current FNM deck MMMM , I can tell you Hooded Hydra barely ever does anything because people are afraid to pop it.
Prophet of Kruphix locks in the board if you get it out, and only if you have a board. The number of times I drew her AFTER my board has been wiped was infuriating.
The Sabretooth might be something useful, bounces a manifest you'd rather have in your hand whilst giving you a indestructible blocker before being wiped...
Stratus Dancer is a lifesaver, and, when flipped, can be a clock to your opponent.
If you're running U/B morph, the Sagu Mauler is a must, it's a 6/6 trampler that can't be point removed, and it's deadly when combo'd with Trail of Mystery.
Not really experimented with the Dragonslayer, as I've not got him.
Aven's okay against aggro decks, but his ability is too slow to bounce before that first round of damage comes in.
Admittedly, I've not played with Obscuring Aether, so I'm sure my deck is a fair ways sower than yours. I'm currently thinking of using Elvish mystics in place of it, but we'll see.
April 11, 2015 2:33 p.m.
Laxcougar18 says... #14
Stratus Dancer, Icefeather Aven and Hidden Dragonslayer will be rotated as needed.
My idea on taking Sagu Mauler and using Cloudform instead was to up my manifesting, spread around the hexproof and give me more flyers. May not be the way to go though. In previous verses of the deck, Whisperwood Elemental was my only real manifest, but perhaps that's all I need.
As far as Obscuring AEther vs Elvish Mystic, the mystics are easier to kill, and use can lay down a bunch of cheap morphs rather than just one per turn. It can also turn into a 2/2 instead of a 1/1. That said, I can't use it to flip. Considered Qarsi Deceiver, but I don't know how Valuable they would be.
Right now, my best start that I see is:
Turn 1: Obscuring AEther
Turn 2: Trail of Mystery (perhaps I should morph something first, but I like grabbing that land)
Turn 3: Obscuring AEther and two morphs, or one morph and a wasted mana.
So it speeds things up, but is still not fast. Generally my first two morphs are Rattleclaw Mystic and a Icefeather Aven, Stratus Dancer or Hidden Dragonslayer to get the tempo back in my favor.
April 11, 2015 10:47 p.m.
I just tested this on my agro BW warriors, you need something to deal with such agrresive plays, even secret plans wont help much also flipping morphs is really hard in this deck with a lack of mana
April 15, 2015 12:24 a.m.
I'm going to be honest: I like the deck, but there are some definite problems with it. Being honest, bant seems a bit.... forced. I'm really not convinced that icefeather aven and sagu mauler are enough of a push to run blue. I think you will have a more consistent mana base and a more focused deck if you just stick with GW.
April 16, 2015 1:27 p.m.
Laxcougar18 says... #18
Dude_3, to a degree you are right, but playing with this deck, Icefeather Aven has been a superstar. Using Trail of Mystery, I don't have many mana problems. Even if I don't have an Island down, when I lay down Icefeather Aven, it triggers Trail of Mystery and I can go get the Island I need. If I haven't laid down a land that turn, I can even use it that turn.
The key is having the Trail of Mystery, but if I do, mana has never been a problem.
April 16, 2015 2:12 p.m.
AngelicCookies says... #19
To be honest the deck needs better mana and, more importantly, more lands. You're relying on hitting a minimum of three lands per game to function and will often need more. Yeah, the Trial of Mysteries triggers are sweet, but in the games you don't have it or your opponent kills/counters it immediately I'm not seeing the deck doing too much. It should probably be something like 3x Island, 3x Plains, 6x Forest, 2x Flooded Strand, 4x Windswept Heath, 3x Temple of Mystery/Yavimaya Coast, 2x Temple of Plenty/Mana Confluence/Basics, cutting one Hidden Dragonslayer, one Obscuring Aether, and one Temur Sabertooth. The deck seems really soft to mono-red, but I don't know how you should best remedy that. Also, the deck seems hard-pressed to beat fliers with only Icefeather Aven as an out to the garden-variety Stormbreath Dragon in the main and only two additional outs are in the sideboard.
April 16, 2015 2:46 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #20
In the case of Salt Road Ambushers vs Master of Pearls I would vote in favor of the former. The Ambushers give a permanent bonus, whereas Master is a one turn deal. This is esp effective concerning Den Protector, Icefeather Aven, and Sagu Mauler for the avoidance and trample, not to say it doesn't benefit the others. Master would be better if it were more of an aggro type build.
As for the mana, I understand Trail is great, but a few multi lands are still great esp if trail doesn't show up right away. Also good for surprise tactics, keeps your opponent guessing what you have up your sleeve.
CurtainSnatch says... #1
Have you considered Sagu Mauler? The hexproof is an awesome ability, given the amount of removal in standard right now. Also, most decks will have trouble dealing with a 6/6 trampler - especially when it gets +2/+2 from either Trail of Mystery or Salt Road Ambushers.
April 1, 2015 2:08 p.m.