Trying to get back into deckbuilding for EDH with a trans icon. Figured I'd add some of my favorite combos, with a variety of Win-cons, redundancies, and enablers. Suggestions welcome, I'm not trying to make this competitive by any means so budget suggestions are also more than welcome. Also currently unsure if I've added too many redundancies or not.


Alesha, Who Smiles at Death + Master of Cruelties :

Turn 1 Mountain or Swamp or equivalent land entering untapped, Sol Ring or Entomb/Faithless Looting to put Master of Cruelties in your graveyard.

Turn 2 Swamp or Mountain (whichever didn't happen last turn), Sol Ring or Entomb/Faithless Looting (whichever didn't happen last turn). Cast Alesha.

Turn 3 land, swing with Alesha, bring out Master attacking same target: Say goodbye to whoever you swung at.

Without Sol Ring this is can still happen turn 4. Turn 1 ring can also help to drop a signet or talisman to entomb or loot early if you're feeling frisky

Depending on the group this could put a target on your back early, but doing this early can also fake out the rest of the table into exiling Master, using their best removal, & thinking you're no longer a threat. This buys time for you to assemble one of many wincons.


The other win-con is to trigger Infinite ETB + Death trigger + Engine output sac combos when paired with one or more engines ( Viscera Seer (Scry), Ashnod's Altar (2 Colorless Mana), Altar of Dementia (Mill), Phyrexian Altar (1 Mana of Any Color), Blasting Station (Ping), Carrion Feeder (Make One Really Big Guy)):

Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Murderous Redcap (Infinite Ping):

Sac (un-persisted) Redcap, it persists and comes back in to ping for 1, Anafenza bolsters Redcap which cancels the -1/-1 counter, Repeat

Cathars' Crusade + Murderous Redcap (Infinite Ping):

Similar to above, but also pumps all your other creatures

Karmic Guide + Reveillark (Infinite Power 2 or Less Creatures reanimated from your graveyard):

Lark in Graveyard, bring in Guide (either by casting or from graveyard such as with Alesha, Who Smiles at Death). Guide reanimating Lark goes on the stack, in response sac guide. Lark comes in & targets Guide & up to one other power 2 or less creature. In response to this going on the stack, sac Lark. Repeat

Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan (No additional output):

Titan in play: Bring out hunter (through reanimate or cast), exile Titan. Sac Hunter. Titan comes in, ETB Effect targets Hunter in Graveyard. Hunter comes in and exiles Titan again. Titan in Graveyard or Hand: Similar to above but begins with reanimating or casting Titan. Hunter should be in the graveyard for this one unless you have 9 mana.

Fiend Hunter + Karmic Guide (No additional output):

Works the same as with Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan

Fiend Hunter + Reveillark (Infinite Power 2 or Less Creatures reanimated from your graveyard):

Same as above

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Village Bell-Ringer (No sac required, Infinite untaps):

With Kiki and Ringer out, tap kiki to copy Ringer. New ringer comes out and untaps everyone. Repeat and sac the ringers if you want or just swing out since they all have haste.

Goblin Engineer and Loran of the Third Path can both take some advantage of the untaps, but other than that I gues syou could say there's some.... untapped potential (i'll see myself out).

Karmic Guide + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker /Reveillark (infinite power 2 or less reanimates if with Lark):

Kiki puts copy ability targeting Lark/Guide on the stack, in response Sac Kiki. Guide/Lark come in & target Kiki now in graveyard (+ up to one other power 2 or less creature if using Lark). Kiki comes in again. Repeat, saccing or swinging with Guide/Lark tokens.

Dockside Extortionist + Nim Deathmantle (Infinite treasure depending):

With Mantle and Extortionist both out, 4 mana available, & opponents with at least 4 artifacts/enchantments, sac Extortionist. Pay 4 for Mantle, bringing out Extortionist with at least 4 treasure. Repeat.

Angel of Invention + Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle (Infinite mana/servos):

Only works with Ashnod's altar. Bring out angel & create 2 servos. Sac Angel + 1 Servo to altar, spend the mana to activate Mantle. Can either sac the other servos for infinite mana, keep them for infinite 1/1's, or both.


There are a variety of cards which can take advantage of infinite mana/deaths/ETBs as a wincon if you aren't using one of the pinging sac engines:

Like death triggers:

Pitiless Plunderer, Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim, Zulaport Cutthroat

Like lots of Mana:

Aggravated Assault - Infinite combats, means infinite Alesha procs too

Like ETB triggers:

Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim, Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Cathars' Crusade, Mentor of the Meek (also requires mana), Preston, the Vanisher, Blasting Station

Power <=2 and likes reanimating:

Either reanimate off Alesha (with support from colored mana in the form of treasures/Phyrexian Altar & extra combats & Isshin, Two Heavens as One support)/ or reanimate off of Reveillark:

Anything with an ETB/dies effect: Stonehorn Dignitary to lock your opponents down, Ravenous Chupacabra/Duplicant for removal, Murderous Redcap for pings are a few examples


There are also a variety of Entomb & similar effects to grab combo pieces. Creatures can be reanimated with Alesha or a few spells or a few creatures already discussed, while Goblin Engineer can pull out artifacts by saccing treasures or Solemn Simulacrum/Esper Sentinel. Sun Titan brings back most of both & enchantments too (except for Cathars' Crusade

MVP is Vile Entomber, he gets EVERYTHING and you can reuse him with Alesha.


Another prime tutor/entomb target is Sunforger. The strategy here is take it slower & not put a target on your back by immediately assembling all your big scary combo pieces. Instead use it to pull out useful instants & play like a control player until you see your opening. Get out Grand Abolisher and when it's successfully out on your turn, THEN combo out in peace. A variety of ETB/Death effects on your creatures can support this and be reused by Alesha. Play your cards right, and the table will think you're a weird Mardu control/midrange player until it's already too late for them.


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