Brago Flicker

Commander / EDH slick-nikki-nik

SCORE: 1 | 150 VIEWS

Mini Update 2 —Nov. 15, 2019

Took out Reality Acid, and Aetherflux Reservoir.

Reality Acid, although a win con, is bad to just drop by itself. Aetherflux Reservoir was part of a janky back-up plan. It's better to focus more on primary game plans.

Added Dig Through Time and Elspeth, Sun's Champion.

Dig Through Time helps dig for the combos, Elspeth is a, potentially one sided, boardwipe, and provides good value.

I'm thinking of adding Smothering Tithe and Windfall (which also combos with Narset, Parter of Veils) but still considering that.