well actualky logician Stubborn Denial with all these cards in deck can easily be ferocioused but also, in a slow meta like this most likely your opponent wont have that 1 mana
September 22, 2014 1:19 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #3
you could use like, one more forest. you will always want at least one green source on turn one or two, cutting a Shivan Reef
or two for a forest wouldn't be bad, and you'll still be able to get to blue and red by turn 3 consistently.
some more consistent way to draw cards would be good. right now you have kiora as the only thing that helps there. See the Unwritten
could be good. it'll miss walkers but you'll probably get it to get net you two creatures.
you have 18 mana related spells (4 courser, 4 xenagos, 10 dorks) more if you count nissa and kiora (granted nissa/kiora/xenagos serve other purposes as well) this seems a bit more than is needed. you top out your curve at 6. for a one-of. and as stated above you're a bit light on ferocious enablers. I would go for Polukranos, World Eater , Surrak Dragonclaw , another Sagu Mauler or something along those lines over the rattleclaws. 8 dorks, courser, nissa, xenagos, kiora should be sufficient for getting you the mana you need.
your sideboard looks rocky. when do you use Become Immense
, Icy Blast
? you would probably be better to have some removal spells in there. Lightning Strike
is alright, Magma Jet
adds scry, maybe a hard counter in Dissolve
. or something to stop graveyard shenanigans like Tormod's Crypt
perhaps? maybe icy blast and become immense are good, I just don't see what matchups you want them in.
September 28, 2014 1:18 a.m.
Not bad against anything witch is not (copied replicas of) the original three tyrants (Mardu, Jeskai and Abzan)
November 17, 2014 2:01 p.m.
Arorsthrar says... #6
If you're including cards with the ferocious mechanic, then you should try to include as many 4 power creatures as possible. So Boon Satyr and Fanatic of Xenagos seem like strong 4-ifs. I just don't see Keranos, God of Storms fitting in this deck. 23 Lands doesn't consistently see 5 mana consistently enough to include Keranos. Same deal with Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker. If you want to include that kind of card, Ashcloud Phoenix should be what you use (at least with this current aggro build. I've also always liked Elvish Mystic in these kind of decks. Turn 2 Goblin Rabblemaster or Savage Knuckleblade is too strong. Not a huge fan of Dig Through Time or Magma Jet.
November 27, 2014 12:33 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #9
thing the mauler could fit in the side against U/B control? if it seems to be a bad matchup, he could put you over the edge, once he's in play they're just on a clock. you depend on 5 mana a lot already with things like surrak/keranos out of the side and Illusory Angel in the main, one extra isn't horrible and morph is a thing.
November 30, 2014 9:23 a.m.
U.B Control have Pearl Lake Ancient plus they can counter it
December 2, 2014 4:31 a.m.
Are there any one drops you could use to outspeed control? Go wide and low when facing them. It's how I beat control with my mardu aggro
December 28, 2014 12:07 a.m.
benelas16 The deck does not need one drops that are easily blocked and dies. You'll rather always start with a temple or bivoac
December 28, 2014 2:08 a.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #13
I just saw you had a problem with Sidisi Whip. I am playing Temur Midrange myself and I usually blast away the opponents who play Sidisi Whip. Against those decks I recommend running Lightning Strike since it gets rid of Sidisi and Burn Away since it gets rid of anything they put onto the board AND cleans out their dustbin. Yes, you exile their entire yard. They will weep and then usually concede a turn later.
February 21, 2015 6:33 a.m.
There is no need for any 2-drop mana dorks in an aggressive deck such as this (especially Sylvan Caryatid because it cant even attack).
The only reason the deck runs 3 Elvish Mystic is because the deck has a lot of powerful 3-drops that are very useful on turn 2 such as Goblin Rabblemaster and Yasova Dragonclaw
February 24, 2015 5:43 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #17
any thoughts on Hooded Hydra? I don't think there's a spot here, but it seems like extra tokens are an interesting interaction with Shaman of the Great Hunt if the hydra gets killed, think the hydra could end up being played in a more midrange-focused build?
for this build, maybe a fourth mystic? your deck is very low on 4-ofs, and might benefit from some consistency help. drop the phoenixes for a mystic and another shaman, then put yasova down to two (you don't want more than one of her at a time) for a fourth Savage Knuckleblade. the knuckleblade is an awesome threat that's good in multiples, same with the Shaman of the Great Hunt. the phoenix just doesn't seem better than the shaman. I would also consider dropping an Heir of the Wilds for a fourth Frost Walker. the walker will trade with your opponents creatures a majority of the time, and swinging with 4 power turn 3 is much better than swinging with 2. also activating ferocious is sweet.
February 25, 2015 3:03 a.m.
1) ashcloud phoenix is one of the stronger cards in the deck because of it's morph death ability and cannot be blocked by 1/1 creatures and forces to trade with most top tier flyers.
2)savage knuckleblade is not a good 3 drop as yasova and rabblemaster are and not a good 4 drop as shaman and ashcloud are
3) even if heir of the wilds is blocked at least it will most of the time require 3 1/1s in order to trade. Frost is fantastic against the courser, sylvan matchups
4) the deck does not need a 4th mystic because the main point is just to get a 3 drop on turn 2. Other than that its nothing and because this deck is an aggro deck rather than a ramp deck you dont need more than 3
5) do not mention the snake hydra again because as you can see im running 4 rabblemaster so there is absolutely no need for a single copy of the hydra
February 25, 2015 5:19 a.m.
Temur is sweet. I like it +1. I might add Roast in the side or main.
June 6, 2015 2:57 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #20
I would cut a Rattleclaw Mystic in favor of another Den Protector, your curve tops out at four and getting back Collected Company seems pretty good.
June 6, 2015 7:11 a.m.
Why not instead of stoke run Crater's Claws Its alot more efficient. Plus i think an Elvish Mystic as a 4 of is a must for T2 rabble's or anything your deck wants. Thats a very effecient way to beat control. i personally run 4 Deathmist 4 Fanatic of Xenagos And Ashcloud Phoenix Works pretty well with death mist for the constant flipping stuff. I pretty much run Bob Huang's list Just a smidge altered. If you want feel free to check it out. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/temur-corp/ .
-Logician says... #1
Stubborn Denial isn't worth it. It's only good if you have one of only a few cards in your deck on the field (Savage Knuckleblade, Sagu Mauler, Sarkhan as a creature form, or Nissa after animating a land). Otherwise it's a lousy counterspell that should honestly just be Negate . I recommend however, to let Mindswipe and Temur Charm do the counterspelling, and use that slot for a solid removal spell instead, or maybe even Destructive Revelry to have an answer to artifacts/enchantments including all the new ascendancy's, Courser of Kruphix, and Banishing Light.
September 22, 2014 12:08 a.m.